Regenerative Medicine Edition Ep.5: The Mission for Fluency and Safeguarding Patients from Stem Cell Tourism

Mayo Clinic Talks

Regenerative Medicine Edition Ep.5: The Mission for Fluency and Safeguarding Patients from Stem Cell Tourism

To claim credit for this episode, visit: Guest: Saranya Wyles, M.D. (@SWylesMDPhD) Host: Darryl S. Chutka, M.D. (@ChutkaMD) Much of regenerative medicine is relatively new and some of the…
May 27, 2021

Regenerative Medicine Edition Ep.5: The Mission for Fluency and Safeguarding Patients from Stem Cell Tourism

To claim credit for this episode, visit:

Guest: Saranya Wyles, M.D. (@SWylesMDPhD)

Host: Darryl S. Chutka, M.D. (@ChutkaMD)

Much of regenerative medicine is relatively new and some of the future treatment capabilities have the potential to significantly change the way we practice medicine. How do you educate established clinicians as well as clinicians in training regarding this new practice? How do you educate the general public which has been misled by a variety of false claims regarding which medical conditions regenerative medicine can currently effectively treat? This podcast discusses how a relatively new medical field puts together an education program to inform others of its potential. Our guest is Saranya Wyles, M.D., a resident in the Department of Dermatology who has considerable experience in regenerative medicine education.

 Specific topics discussed:

  • Specific groups who need educating regarding the capabilities of regenerative medicine
  • The importance in training the medical workforce regarding regenerative medicine
  • What regenerative medicine means for the next generation of healthcare providers
  • How to incorporate regenerative medicine concepts into an established medical school curriculum
  • How to educate more advanced learn years such as residents and healthcare providers
  • Obtaining an advanced degree in the field a regenerative medicine

Additional resources:

Additional educational opportunities from Mayo Clinic:

Connect with the Mayo Clinic’s School of Continuous Professional Development online at or on Twitter @MayoMedEd.


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