Pediatric Topics: Undescended Testicles – Evaluation and Management

Mayo Clinic Talks

Pediatric Topics: Undescended Testicles – Evaluation and Management

Guest: Candace F. Granberg, M.D. (@candacegranberg) Host: David J. Sas, D.O. (@davidsas1) Detection and management of undescended testicles (cryptorchidism) is a common issue for newborn and infant boys.  This episode…
May 26, 2022

Pediatric Topics: Undescended Testicles – Evaluation and Management

Guest: Candace F. Granberg, M.D. (@candacegranberg)

Host: David J. Sas, D.O. (@davidsas1)

Detection and management of undescended testicles (cryptorchidism) is a common issue for newborn and infant boys.  This episode discusses proper diagnostic techniques for cryptorchidism, including how to distinguish between a retractile testicle and a truly undescended testicle, as well as when to refer infants to a pediatric urologist for further evaluation and management.  Further, we identify the indications for surgical correction and what parents and pediatricians should expect from this surgery. The guest for this episode is Candace F. Granberg, M.D., a board-certified pediatric urologist at the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center in Rochester, Minnesota.

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