COVID-19 Miniseries Episode 63: Mayo Clinic Q&A – #AskTheMayoMom about Sports Participation During COVID-19

Mayo Clinic Talks

COVID-19 Miniseries Episode 63: Mayo Clinic Q&A – #AskTheMayoMom about Sports Participation During COVID-19

This episode is shared from Mayo Clinic Q&A and was recorded in February, 2021 To claim credit visit:  Guest:  David B. Soma, M.D. (@DrDaveSoma); Talha Niaz, M.B.B.S. Host: Angela…
February 8, 2021

COVID-19 Miniseries Episode 63: Mayo Clinic Q&A – #AskTheMayoMom about Sports Participation During COVID-19

This episode is shared from Mayo Clinic Q&A and was recorded in February, 2021

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Guest:  David B. Soma, M.D. (@DrDaveSoma); Talha Niaz, M.B.B.S.

Host: Angela C. Mattke, M.D. (@DrAngelaMattke)

There are many benefits to sports participation for children and adolescents. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, activities such as youth sports have been put on hold or modified to decrease the spread of COVID-19. Also, the scientific community is learning about when it is safe to return to sports participation following COVID-19 infection.  

On the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, “Ask the Mayo Mom” host and Mayo Clinic pediatrician, Dr. Angela Mattke is joined by Dr. David Soma, a pediatric sports medicine physician at Mayo Clinic Children’s Center, to discuss sports participation during the COVID-19 pandemic and what you need to know about return to play after COVID-19 infection. Also joining Drs. Mattke and Soma is Dr. Talha Niaz, a pediatric cardiologist at Mayo Clinic. 

AskMayoExpert COVID-19 Resources: 

Connect with the Mayo Clinic’s School of Continuous Professional Development online at or on Twitter @MayoMedEd

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