Process Improvement with Dr. Britney Scott, The Clinic Doctor

Leading Ladies in Healthcare

Process Improvement with Dr. Britney Scott, The Clinic Doctor

May 20, 2022
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Process Improvement with Dr. Britney Scott, The Clinic Doctor

My guest Dr. Britney Scott is a physician turned process improvement expert turned entrepreneur. Born in Huntsville, AL to two phenomenal Jamaican parents. Dr. Scott is a double HBCU grad. She received her BS in Biology from Oakwood University and then matriculated to Howard University where she received her MD. However, early in her medical career, Dr. Scott, realized that her ultimate passion was in serving the underserved and that that doesn’t have to be done at the bedside. This is what brought her to process improvement. She hated seeing how inefficiencies in our health system disproportionately affected certain individuals, especially those that looked like her. Dr. Scott has worked both clinically and operationally in small and large acute care facilities as well as ambulatory care. Ultimately, Dr. Scott decided that she wanted to do more, so she began her healthcare process improvement firm focused on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion where she brings process to the difficult topics of DEI. Her company’s core value is that people matter, and she truly feels like she’s living in her purpose by helping our healthcare institutions treat all people like they matter.

In this episode I ask Dr. Britney:

  • Thinking about your career and leadership journey who or what may have been instrumental in that decision?
  • What does a day as a process improvement expert look like? Who do you serve and what challenges do you face?
  • What impact have you seen with your work in terms of outcomes with organizations? In terms of DE&I, what kind of impact have you noticed if any?
  • What is the business case for DE&I?
  • What do you think is the 1 thing that resonates with everyone and allows people to let their guard down to have tough conversations?

If you’re ready to transition into a leadership role and need support during your career journey download my free Ebook, ‘The 10 Steps You Need to Transition into a Leadership Role’.

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