Dr Marc Sklar | The Role of Chinese Medicine in Women's Health: And It Is Not Just Acupuncture
Hear from Dr. Marc Sklar, a Harvard-trained practitioner, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, author and president of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine. They discuss the often unknown scope of Oriental medicine, including acupuncture, and its many applications to improve women’s health.
Get answers to questions like, “what tests should I ask my doctor for?” and “is acupuncture an ongoing or short-term treatment?”
- They also cover:
- The role of acupuncturists
- Chinese herbs, cupping
- Acupuncture and egg quality
- Chinese medicine and conditions such as PCOS and Hashimoto’s
- The difference in acupuncture state-to-state
“The only picture of a baby that sits on my desk in my office aside from my kids is the first baby that I ever helped conceive. It reminds me of where I was and how important she was to my career and my path. That’s my inspiration. Being there to support patients so they can have the families that they want.” Dr. Marc Sklar
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