What’s Hot? Where’s the Money Going? with Dr. Nancy Lynch

DOCSF – Digital Orthopaedics Conference San Francisco

What’s Hot? Where’s the Money Going? with Dr. Nancy Lynch

Investment Trends in Musculoskeletal Digital Technologies
March 24, 2022

What’s Hot? Where’s the Money Going? with Dr. Nancy Lynch

In this episode of the DocSF podcast, you are greeted by Dr. Nancy Lynch, President of Advisorthopædics, as she kicks off the event.

We start with a very insightful presentation by Dr. Lynch, in which she presents a lot of data regarding the musculoskeletal digital health space in terms of investment. There is a lot of money flowing into the industry, and we need to understand how innovation and investment are working right now. Nancy walks us through how these investments are cross-pollinating from other fields in the health sector but ultimately lead to the MSK space. She also does a great emphasis on where the money is going. 

With the field settled, we are ready to move on to Robin Young’s conversation in the next episode. Tune in and join the revolution!

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