Enneagram Series_Episode 4

DOCSF – Digital Orthopaedics Conference San Francisco

Enneagram Series_Episode 4

September 7, 2021

Enneagram Series_Episode 4

In this episode, we cover types 2, 3, and 4, who are always lead by their heart.

Leaders identified within these types tend to be more on the human side of things than on the organizational-business side. Type 2 leaders are usually fantastic because they try to take care of everything and everyone, including themselves. Type 3 is focused on externally performing and achieving tasks. Type 4 is extremely creative and doesn’t like to be constrained; they want to have a human connection with everyone around them. These three types of the Enneagram have the same driver: am I valuable, and how do I show I am?

Have you identified which type of leader you might be? Be sure to listen and figure out through these episodes!


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