Enneagram Series_Episode 2

DOCSF – Digital Orthopaedics Conference San Francisco

Enneagram Series_Episode 2

August 24, 2021

Enneagram Series_Episode 2

Great leaders are those who can use the three centers of intelligence to their advantage. 

In this episode, we will define the concept of embodiment and its relationship with the Enneagram. There are three intelligence centers in the body: head, heart, and belly. Everyone has an unconscious preference for one of them. Getting to know each of those centers will help leaders tap into their power at the same time. The nine types of the Enneagram can be group into three triads according to the intelligence centers. Once the dominant type is identified, knowing the strengths and weaknesses is straightforward. 

Join this episode and see if you can recognize which triad you are from!

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