What a Year! — Looking back on 2022 (and at the year ahead) with Justin, Brittany, and Todd

Definitively Speaking

What a Year! — Looking back on 2022 (and at the year ahead) with Justin, Brittany, and Todd

January 5, 2023

What a Year! — Looking back on 2022 (and at the year ahead) with Justin, Brittany, and Todd

Can you believe it’s 2023 already? With 2022 in the rearview, Definitively Speaking contributors Todd Bellemare and Brittany Morin-Mezzadri join Justin to discuss their favorite guests, most memorable moments, and recurring themes from the show’s exciting first year. They also look forward to 2023 and offer some insight on the factors that will shape the healthcare industry in the coming year.

Justin, Todd and Brittany revisit some of the highlights from 2022, including thought-provoking conversations around mental self-care with Cara McNulty of CVS Health, the growing role of direct primary care with Beth Holmes of Hint Health, the role of data in healthcare interoperability with Chase Zaputil of Veda, and more. Plus, they share their magic-wand fixes to address the biggest problems facing the U.S. healthcare system.

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