OPENING UP ABOUT COMPASSION FATIGUE: it’s time to normalize these feelings

Ask Nurse Alice

OPENING UP ABOUT COMPASSION FATIGUE: it’s time to normalize these feelings

September 7, 2021

OPENING UP ABOUT COMPASSION FATIGUE: it’s time to normalize these feelings

It’s time to normalize nurse’s feelings. As nurses, we are literally overwhelmed by helping others. Not that we don’t enjoy helping our patients. We do. That’s the reason we became nurses. However, the return on investment I don’t feel is matching up. The time that we are investing of ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually, our time, and our sacrifices to take care of others is daunting. We’re getting tired of having to exude so much compassion. These feelings have a name, it’s called “compassion fatigue” and healthcare worker are experiencing it on a massive scale. 

In this episode, Nurse Alice dives into the issues that have amplified our feelings of compassion fatigue and what we can do to combat compassion fatigue. 

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