“I was passed up TWICE for a job promotion on my unit – should I leave?” (Listener Question)

Ask Nurse Alice

“I was passed up TWICE for a job promotion on my unit – should I leave?” (Listener Question)

December 6, 2022

“I was passed up TWICE for a job promotion on my unit – should I leave?” (Listener Question)

At one point in time, almost every nurse has toyed with the idea of climbing the traditional nursing career ladder of one-day becoming a charge nurse,  unit manager, or nurse director – even if we didn’t fully pursue it. Many don’t for a variety of reasons but for those that do, the truth is many will try but only a few are chosen. So what would you do if you were trying to advance but were passed up for job promotions in your unit? Would you leave?

In this episode Nurse Alice answers a caller’s question about getting passed up twice for promotion on her unit. She also shares her personal experience with getting passed up for a manager position and provides some tips for others who are looking to climb the career ladder where they work and what to do if they don’t get the job.  

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