I Saved A Life At The Airport – here’s what to do if you respond to an emergency while off-duty
In this episode of the Ask Nurse Alice podcast, Nurse Alice talks about a recent situation where she saved a life at the airport baggage claim. Nurse Alice discusses Good Samaritan laws and the challenges healthcare professionals face when providing care outside of their clinical setting. She shares a personal experience of rendering care while off duty and highlights the importance of understanding the legal protections and limitations when providing aid in emergencies. Tune in to learn more about the role of healthcare professionals in helping others and navigating legal responsibilities.
>>Read more about Nurse Alice’s lifesaving experience at the airport on nurse.org
Jump ahead to listen:
[00:01:30] Rendering care while off duty.
[00:05:30] The Good Samaritan Law.
[00:14:24] Assessing without proper equipment.
[00:15:23] Head injury and bleeding.
[00:19:36] Good Samaritan laws in different states.
[00:26:36] In-flight medical emergencies.
[00:30:25] Saving someone’s life.