Common Feet Problems For Nurses and How To Avoid The Pain (with Dr. Ebonie of TLC’s “My Feet Are Killing Me)

Ask Nurse Alice

Common Feet Problems For Nurses and How To Avoid The Pain (with Dr. Ebonie of TLC’s “My Feet Are Killing Me)

March 24, 2022

Common Feet Problems For Nurses and How To Avoid The Pain (with Dr. Ebonie of TLC’s “My Feet Are Killing Me)

A day in the life of a nurse can involve long hours of standing, walking, lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling heavy items from point A to point B, which can cause stress on our legs and feet. To avoid work-related health and feet problems, it’s important that nurses take proper care of their feet. And while we’re thinking about our own feet, let’s not forget those of our patients. They may not come in for primary foot issues but the legs and feet can tell you a lot about your patient’s health status. Do they hurt? Are they cold? Do they have numbness or tingling? Are they discolored? Are they swollen? Are the toenail beds pale, discolored, or thick? A patient’s feet may give you important information you need to properly take care of your patient as a whole. 

In this episode Nurse Alice speaks with Dr. Ebonie is a licensed podiatrist aka foot and ankle surgeon behind the hit TLC television series “My Feet Are Killing Me.” She works with all types of foot and ankle ailments with a specialty in foot and ankle reconstruction and diabetic limb salvage.

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