E52 Part 2:  Bob Moesta – Choosing Better for Learning and Healthcare

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E52 Part 2: Bob Moesta – Choosing Better for Learning and Healthcare

September 18, 2019

E52 Part 2: Bob Moesta – Choosing Better for Learning and Healthcare

In the second segment of our super-sized “Bobcast”, uber-innovator and Jobs to Be Done expert Bob Moesta digs deeper into his recently released first book, Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decisions Throughout Your Life, co-authored with Michael Horn.  The book isn’t just about the college decision–it encompasses life-long learning, whether it’s executive education, bootcamps, or on-line classes.  Since many parallels can be made between the higher education and health care industries, Ben & Jay also engage Bob about the struggles in making health care decisions and their similarities to education decisions. Having helped many companies develop thousands of products, Bob is now on a mission to help consumer be better consumers, in many aspects of their lives.  Whether its education or healthcare, if people can prepare themselves better by helping them understand their own context and the outcome they are seeking, they will choose better–making the implicit explicit. As you will come to realize, choosing the right learning experience is just a beginning for Bob’s work to enable people to make better choices.

@bmoesta @michaelbhorn @ChristensenInst

Learn more about Choosing College HERE
Purchase a copy HERE 

Examples cited:

 @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @SherpaPod

– A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet – 

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