E47:  A Passion for Product – Tom Schlegel of Radio Flyer

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E47: A Passion for Product – Tom Schlegel of Radio Flyer

July 10, 2019

E47: A Passion for Product – Tom Schlegel of Radio Flyer

Ben & Jay talk to Tom Schlegel, Chief Innovation Officer of Radio Flyer, the iconic 102-year old company that’s on a mission to bring smiles to kids of all ages.  During his 16 years at Radio Flyer, he has been a key leader in the evolution of the company from a steel wagon manufacturer to a customer-driven design and development powerhouse.  Tom talks about how he has employed Dr. Clay Christensen’s theories of disruptive innovation and Jobs to be Done to help Radio Flyer hold potential disruptors at bay and continue to develop products that create warm memories for kids of all ages.  It’s not just little red wagons anymore!  Innovators of all walks of life will enjoy hearing Tom’s journey from studying engineering and industrial design at Notre Dame to leading product development, sales and marketing at one of our country’s recognized best places to work. 

Check out this beautiful Emmy Award winning short film capturing the essence of the Radio Flyer purpose brand, and then learn about the history of Radio Flyer

@RadioFlyer @SherpaPod @JayGerhart @TheBenReport

– A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet – 

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