E49:  Industry Integration and Serendipitous Collisions with Mike Biselli

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E49: Industry Integration and Serendipitous Collisions with Mike Biselli

August 8, 2019

E49: Industry Integration and Serendipitous Collisions with Mike Biselli

Episode 49 features Mike Biselli, a healthtech entrepreneur and community-building pioneer with a bold vision for reimagining healthcare. Learn about how Mike planted a flag in the ground and determined to create a built environment that would foster serendipitous collisions to catalyze innovation and transformational change. The result: Catalyst HTI, a 180,000 square-foot industry integrator campus designed to bring health-tech start-ups and established health care entities together under one roof, located in Denver, Colorado. Additionally, Lindsay Deneault shares her experience facilitating similar collisions at TMC Innovation Institute in Houston, Texas. This episode nearly melted the walls of our podcast studio, so drink up your 5-Hour Energy, kick back, and enjoy this animated conversation about the power of vision and collision! 


@mikebiselli @CatalystHTI 

@LindsayDeneault @TMCInnovation 

@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @AtriumHealth 


– A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet – 

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