The TRU Leader Podcast

The TRU Leader Podcast

Balancing Leading and Living

All Episodes

#276: Curiosity in Leadership: How to Boost Innovation and Relationships with Leslie Galloway

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, special guest Leslie Galloway discusses her transition from a corporate vice president to founding her own coaching business in 2020. She highlights the importance of authentic leadership and overcoming limiting beliefs for personal and professional growth. Journaling is recommended as a tool to clarify these beliefs, helping individuals navigate the discomfort of uncovering deep-rooted issues and fostering self-trust. The episode underscores the value of honesty and curiosity in both coaching and leadership, advocating for a mindset that prioritizes asking questions over having all the answers. This approach not only improves relationships but also enhances empathy, creativity, and innovation. The discussion also touches on the significance of self-awareness and understanding diverse leadership styles to prevent conflicts and improve collaboration. An Accenture study is referenced, linking self-awareness to business success, and the importance of balancing team roles, such as visionaries and integrators, is emphasized. Effective communication is key to navigating tensions within teams and fostering healthy business partnerships. Don’t miss this insightful episode on innovation and relationships. Tune in now! For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
October 23, 2024

#275: Beyond Change Models: Embracing Continuous Transformation in Business

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle explore the challenges of leading in a rapidly changing world, shaped by technological advancements and disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. They critique traditional leadership models, particularly Lewin’s 1950s change model, as inadequate for today’s VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) environment. Instead, they advocate for a continuous evolution approach, emphasizing the need for an agile mindset, high aspirations to clarify purpose, and integrating transformation into regular operations to maintain accountability and progress. The hosts highlight the importance of ongoing evaluation and adaptability in leveraging polarities as well as problem-solving, advocating for a shift away from one-time solutions to continuous transformation. They discuss the significance of meaningful dialogue, healthy relationships, and shared ownership within organizations, supported by principles from Jim Collins and Porus's "Built to Last." The episode also stresses the need for balancing structure and flexibility through diverse organizational councils, long-term and short-term planning, and engaging diverse insights in decision-making. For small business owners and entrepreneurs, the discussion emphasizes the importance of regular check-ins, goal setting, and after-action reviews to maintain agility and ensure alignment with core values. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
October 16, 2024

#274: Staying Present: How to Build a Better Now with Greg Bennick

This week on The TRU Leader Podcast, Greg Bennick joins us as he talks about his book, "Reclaim the Moment: 7 Strategies to Build a Better Now," which offers practical advice for achieving clarity and focus in a world filled with distractions. Greg emphasizes the importance of self-centering and understanding one's actions to prevent burnout and maintain meaningful connections. One key strategy involves fostering positive beliefs about others’ intentions, which can help combat pessimism and alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed. Using a juggling metaphor, Bennick illustrates the necessity of concentrating on critical tasks while managing distractions, and highlights how incorporating laughter can make work more enjoyable. Greg also advocates for intentionality in relationships, encouraging a shift from transactional to transformational interactions where kindness and support lead to mutual growth. This approach enhances both professional and personal relationships by showing how small acts of kindness can transform everyday experiences. Bennick underscores the significance of humor and creativity in teamwork, sharing an exercise that promotes laughter and collaboration through brainstorming fantastical ideas. Through personal anecdotes, he demonstrates how humor can build confidence and connections, even in the face of mistakes. By focusing on the present moment, individuals can create a better future through enriched experiences and deeper relationships. Don’t miss it, tune it now! For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
October 9, 2024

#273: Leadership Lessons: Avoiding Common Pitfalls and Embracing Change

This week on The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle discuss the challenges of balancing leadership responsibilities and personal life on their podcast, urging listeners to reflect on their professional and personal goals. They emphasize the need for leaders to define success on their own terms and adapt to today's volatile world. The hosts stress the importance of self-reflection, including evaluating workplace relationships and personal contributions, as they assert that true success encompasses both career achievements and personal well-being. They identify four key mistakes that leaders often make, such as treating work-life balance as a zero-sum game, which leads to stress and dissatisfaction. They also highlight how crises can foster a victim mentality, driven by norms that prioritize organizational needs over personal ones. The discussion explores recognizing harmful patterns, reevaluating beliefs, and fostering intentional change to break ineffective cycles. This includes understanding triggers like fear or discomfort in expressing differing opinions, stepping out of comfort zones, setting boundaries, and focusing on managing challenges. The concept of "polarities" is introduced, recognizing interdependent relationships rather than zero-sum scenarios. The hosts emphasize the importance of shifting focus from desired outcomes to acknowledging progress, which fosters a positive mindset and motivation. They also discuss balancing professional responsibilities with personal fulfillment and managing the gap between current reality and future aspirations. To further discuss these themes, listeners are invited to join a free webinar titled “From Stress to Success: The Formula for Leaders to Excel Professionally and Personally” designed to help leaders manage stressors and achieve success. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
October 2, 2024

#272: Unlearning Silence with Elaine Lin Hering: Empowering Workplace Voices

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle are joined by Elaine Lin Hering. Together, they talk about Elaine’s book, "Unlearning Silence" which addresses the detrimental effects of self-censorship in workplaces, highlighting the contradiction between the societal expectation to speak up and the unsafe environments that often prevent it. She emphasizes the critical role of leaders in creating safe spaces for open dialogue, advocating for balanced conversations that consider both logical and emotional perspectives. Elaine also stresses the importance of intentional interactions, where everyone's unique insights contribute to genuine dialogue and collective learning. The episode examines how past experiences with authority shape current communication habits, advocating for the questioning of ingrained assumptions to nurture individuality and voice. It underscores the need for clear communication in relationships, illustrated by a personal anecdote, "toiletgate," and introduces "4 anchors" for effective communication: starting with the why for speaking up, connecting the dots on how we think, articulating support needs, and embracing resistance. The discussion highlights the importance of overcoming outdated beliefs, valuing diverse experiences, combating loneliness, and fostering supportive communities, particularly for marginalized individuals and leaders promoting inclusivity. The narrative also touches on personal growth, the significance of emotional support in relationships, and the value of gratitude and connections. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
September 25, 2024

#271: Balancing Responsibilities: Organizational and Individual Approaches to Well-Being

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle discuss the rising issue of workplace burnout, emphasizing that both individuals and organizations share the responsibility for alleviating it. They highlight the mental health crisis among workers, citing factors like unsustainable workloads and lack of support, with 76% of US workers experiencing mental health symptoms and 84% attributing these challenges to workplace conditions. The discussion references the Surgeon General’s framework for workplace well-being, which includes protection from harm, connection and community, work-life harmony, mattering at work, and opportunities for growth. These elements address safety, social support, autonomy, dignity, and learning. The episode also stresses the need for leaders to create supportive workplace cultures that prioritize employee well-being, addressing the historical shift from individual to organizational responsibility in maintaining mental health. The episode highlights societal norms that glorify busyness and overworking, contributing to burnout, and suggests the need to differentiate between problems and polarities, emphasizing systemic changes alongside individual responsibility. Leaders and organizations are key players in addressing burnout, supported by reports from the US Surgeon General and National Academies of Medicine. Balancing individual well-being and organizational support is crucial for a healthy workforce, with positive outcomes like environmental changes, leadership commitment, and a well-being culture. Individuals must also take ownership of their actions to prevent burnout by managing energy between work and home, creating new norms, and developing healthy habits. Leaders should model healthy behaviors and foster a supportive culture by examining work demands, providing flexibility, and involving workers in decisions. Tracy and Michelle recommend leveraging polarities to combat burnout, mentioning the book “Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership” as a resource, and concludes with an invitation to a free webinar titled “From Stress to Success: The Formula for Leader to Excel Professionally and Personally” which you can join by registering here: For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
September 18, 2024

#270: Blueprint for Success: Strategies for Healthcare Leaders with Teri Sholder

This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast highlights Teri Sholder, a former healthcare leader who transitioned to starting her own consulting company focused on performance improvement, emphasizing the importance of maintaining successful processes and understanding the drivers of desired outcomes for sustainability. Her company assists with strategy implementation for long-term success, and she introduces her book, “Ascent to Excellence, A Blueprint for Health Care Board and Leadership Success,” which offers evidence-based strategies for healthcare board members and leaders to achieve and maintain excellence. The discussion highlights the challenges faced by leaders in sustaining success through leadership changes, emphasizing the need for continuous reinforcement of successful systems and the balance between cost and quality. Leadership commitment, clear communication, and alignment with organizational goals are essential for inspiring trust and success. The episode outlines five critical elements for effective leadership: commitment and vocalization, data integrity, clinical documentation improvement, workforce engagement, and process optimization. It emphasizes accountability with clear goals aligned with organizational objectives and the necessity of engaging board members in governance. Adequate orientation for board members is crucial, with a simplified approach to presenting information using scorecards to understand goals, metrics, and benchmarks. Understanding polarities such as mission & margin and cost & quality is vital for effective decision-making. If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
September 11, 2024

#269: Empathetic Leadership in a VUCA World: Combating Burnout and Mental Health Issues

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle delves into the national crisis of burnout and mental health issues in the workplace, citing a 2022 US Surgeon General report and a Microsoft survey showing high levels of burnout among managers. The pandemic has shifted expectations around work-life balance, with workers seeking more support to avoid overwork. The discussion highlights the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) environment’s demands on staff and the need for empathetic leadership. Traditional leadership norms often involve overworking and sacrificing personal time, which can lead to burnout. Personal anecdotes illustrate the detrimental effects of such norms, emphasizing the need for new leadership practices that prioritize well-being. The podcast advocates for changing leadership norms to prevent burnout by fostering healthy work cultures and effective priority management. Leaders are encouraged to balance professional and personal lives, leveraging the tension between opposing forces like activity and rest. It stresses the importance of shifting limiting beliefs to more empowering ones and redefining success to include balance and fulfillment. Habit formation, supported by tools like fitness trackers and morning routines, is suggested to make these new norms sustainable. Tracy and Michelle invite listeners to join their FREE webinar “From Stress to Success, The Formula for Leaders to Excel Professionally and Personally” to help leaders adopt these new norms. The episode concludes by encouraging engagement through sharing, social media interaction, podcast subscriptions, and reviews. Join our FREE webinar by registering here: If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! We would love to have you contribute to this podcast by submitting a question that we can feature in a future episode. All you must do is email your question to  [email protected]. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
September 4, 2024

#268: Personal Development in Business: Christy Pretzinger’s Success Story

This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast follows Christy Pretzinger’s journey from freelancing to becoming the CEO of WG Content. It details her transition to building WriterGirl and her focus on the healthcare sector. Pretzinger emphasizes the importance of kindness in business and creating a positive work culture, drawing from her past experiences in unkind environments. The narrative underscores the significance of company culture, personal development, and self-awareness, highlighting the use of tools like the Enneagram personality typing system to encourage empathy and understanding among employees. Christy discusses personal experiences related to understanding accounting language and the impact of interpersonal dynamics on professional relationships. She reflects on the importance of setting boundaries to maintain healthy cultures, prevent negative behaviors, and avoid burnout. Additionally, she mentions the upcoming release of a book titled “Your Cultural Balance Sheet,” which focuses on the importance of company culture alongside financial considerations. Christy emphasizes that maintaining a positive work culture is crucial for employee satisfaction and organizational success. The text also touches on investments in technology and their effects on relationships within the business, stressing that enriching employees’ lives is a privilege and a driver of revenue. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
August 28, 2024

#267: Leadership Under Pressure: Managing Time and Energy Amidst Rising Expectations

This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast explores the various challenges leaders encounter when managing their time and energy in the face of increasing demands and expectations. It emphasizes the crucial importance of effective time management, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a balance between work and personal life to avoid burnout and perform at one's best. The discussion highlights the deep-rooted fears and beliefs that can obstruct leaders, resulting in persistent feelings of inadequacy and overwhelming pressure to sacrifice personal time for professional success. Effective leadership involves shifting perceptions about time, prioritizing self-care, and questioning ingrained norms to focus on high-priority tasks. The episode advocates for a balance of structure and flexibility to create habits and adapt to changes, highlighting the role of candor and diplomacy in relationships and productivity. Delegating, automating, or eliminating tasks to preserve energy and focusing on engaging activities are recommended. Additionally, the episode stresses taking control of one’s choices, avoiding a victim mindset, and practicing self-care techniques such as time blocking for reflection and mindfulness. Effective time management strategies, including planning ahead, maintaining a conducive work environment, and using organizational tools, are crucial for productivity. The episode also encourages sharing time management strategies to enhance collective productivity and energy management, recognizing individual preferences and signs of ineffective time management systems. To help improve time management, listeners can download our FREE Time Mastery Worksheet HERE.    For full show notes and links, visit    If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
August 21, 2024

#266: Leading with Authenticity: A Talk with Dr. John Chuck

This episode of The TRU Leader Podcast revolves around the importance of authenticity and work-life balance in effective leadership. Our dynamic duo, Tracy and Michelle, and special guest Dr. John Chuck, discuss themes emphasizing personal growth, spiritual connection, and the need for relatable and sustainable leaders who promote work-life balance. This episode highlights Dr. John's book, “Pearls from the Practice of Life”, offering wellness insights and reflections on burnout through 69 chapters. Dr. John Chuck shares his personal stories and explores concepts like making pretend decisions to avoid regret and seeking diverse perspectives before making crucial choices. The discussion also features Rita Ng as an exemplary leader who fosters inclusivity by being open about vulnerabilities, thereby creating psychological safety and inspiring others. The conversation covers various topics, including defining personal values, introspection among physicians, childhood memories, resilience, humor, and plans for collaboration. The episode concludes with encouragement for listeners to spread laughter and wisdom, emphasizing authenticity and self-compassion over projecting perfection. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
August 14, 2024

#265: The TRU Leader Approach to Mastering Adaptive Leadership

In this week's episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle delve into adaptive leadership, a crucial concept in our rapidly changing world. They emphasize diagnosing organizational challenges, experimenting, and embracing continuous learning to improve performance and relationships across industries, advocating for a shift towards adaptable decision-making approaches. Particularly relevant to healthcare, the discussion stresses the need to avoid rigid thinking, engage in dialogue, and manage human resource challenges effectively amid chaos and post-COVID uncertainties. Reflecting on past experiences and current challenges, the podcast highlights the importance of adaptive leadership in navigating complexities. Encouraging listeners to share experiences, the hosts promote broader understanding and application of these principles to effectively address today's volatile environment. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
August 7, 2024

#264: Leading & Following Redefined: A Talk with Dr. Chris Fuzie

In this week's episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, special guest Dr. Chris Fuzie, a former law enforcement officer turned leadership expert, shares his journey from poor leadership experiences to earning organizational leadership degrees and teaching nationally post-retirement. He emphasizes preparing individuals for leadership and criticizes promotions solely based on technical skills. His book aims to redefine leadership and followership, advocating for collaborative efforts toward common goals. He introduces "liminal leaders," or individuals who balance leading and following through adaptability, communication, and shared accountability, promoting continuous learning and practical application. Chris metaphorically employs tessellations to illustrate organizational behaviors, correlating them with leadership principles and consistency. He discussed defining behavior expectations, categorizing behaviors by strategic importance, and fostering respectful communication. Advocating for innovative leadership approaches, Chris proposed using shapes to delineate organizational behaviors and culture. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
July 31, 2024

#263: Harmonizing Work Styles: Building Strong Team Relationships

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle emphasize the importance of aligning different work styles within teams by recognizing and harmonizing approaches, preferences, goals, and personalities. They advocate for leaders to build foundational relationships. Embracing diverse perspectives is seen as a growth opportunity, and conflicts should be reframed as natural tensions for understanding rather than resolving through conflict management. Tools like DISC, Enneagram, and their downloadable Healthy Relationships Partnership Agreement Tool are recommended to understand individual strengths and personalities in team settings, leveraging differences to achieve higher productivity. The episode highlights appreciating strengths and preferences in relationships and productivity, with a focus on reassessing team dynamics for better outcomes. Effective communication, candor, and alignment in partnerships are crucial, supported by a partnership agreement tool to navigate differences. Continuous growth, ongoing dialogue, and connection foster strong relationships, with an emphasis on spending quality time together outside of work. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
July 24, 2024

#262: Embracing your Inner Witch: Empowerment Strategies with Lizzy Cangro

In this week's episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, hosts Tracy and Michelle are joined by guest Lizzy Cangro where she discusses her book “Reclaiming the Witch”. Lizzy's book aims to empower women by redefining the term “witch” as a symbol of personal power. She highlights the importance of intuition, manifestation, and balancing feminine and masculine energies in leadership roles. The conversation underscores personal empowerment, authenticity, and the significance of aligning beliefs with actions to achieve desired outcomes and recognize incremental growth. Tracy, Michelle, and Lizzy stress the role of personal development, mindful speech, and intentionality in shaping reality. They advocate for replacing negative language patterns with positive affirmations to enhance well-being and experiences. Decision-making for personal happiness is emphasized, focusing on self-awareness rather than others’ choices. The dialogue also explores the complementary nature of science and magic, evolving understanding, and the importance of communication and trust in relationships, highlighting intuitive elements in human evolution. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
July 17, 2024

#261: How to Build an Effective Relationship with your One-Up

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle discuss the critical nature of maintaining effective relationships with superiors, or “one-up” relationships, drawing from personal experiences of reporting to different individuals. They underscore the importance of mutual understanding and shared purpose in these relationships to ensure smooth workflows and success. They critique and challenge common leadership norms, such as emotional restraint and maintaining professional distance, suggesting these can hinder genuine connections. Authenticity, mutual respect, and compassion are highlighted as essential for healthy leadership and relationships. Additionally, they address the challenges some face when promoted without adequate leadership skills, emphasizing the need for continuous development and avoiding people-pleasing behaviors. Finally, the discussion touches on personal tendencies in hierarchical relationships, noting the potential pitfalls of passivity and assumptions. It stresses the importance of clear communication, seeking guidance, and understanding one’s impact to prevent misunderstandings and promote effective collaboration. With this, Tracy and Michelle introduced the Partnership Agreement Tool which will help you enhance your relationships with your colleagues and leaders at work. DOWNLOAD IT HERE TODAY!    For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
July 10, 2024

#260: Cracking the Code: Time and Priority Management for Leaders

Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, hosts of The TRU Leader Podcast, dissect the challenges of time management in today's volatile, unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous world. They delve into the concept of micro-stressors and their cumulative impact on feelings of overwhelm, emphasizing the role of ingrained beliefs about time in shaping emotions, behaviors, and decisions. By mastering time and priority management, individuals can conquer the illusion of time scarcity and bolster productivity, focusing on energizing tasks to minimize stress. The discussion emphasizes the art of asking insightful questions to enhance life quality, particularly for leaders navigating work overload and professional growth pressures. It stresses the importance of finding balance between "being" and "doing," advocating for self-care, boundary-setting, and handling leadership polarities. Practical time management strategies like proactive planning, task chunking, and optimizing peak energy times are proposed, along with a tool called the Time Mastery Worksheet to aid implementation. You can DOWNLOAD THE WORKSHEET HERE. The episode closes with a call for feedback, content sharing, and podcast subscription, fostering ongoing engagement with their audience. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
July 3, 2024

#259: The Impact of AI in Healthcare & Leadership (ft. Matt Hollingsworth)

In The TRU Leader Podcast, Matt Hollingsworth, co-founder of Carta Healthcare, shares his journey and insights into leveraging AI to revolutionize healthcare processes, inspired by his mother’s cancer battle. With an MBA from Stanford, Hollingsworth aims to improve healthcare data practices and patient care efficiency, drawing from personal experiences, including enhancing outcomes for congenital heart patients. The discussion also covers the significance of registries and the challenges in documentation processes. It proposes AI as a solution to streamline data collection, emphasizing the need for a balance between AI and human intelligence due to the complexity of medical systems and the variations in documentation practices. The conversation acknowledges the potential of AI to boost productivity while maintaining human roles, focusing on creative aspects of work. Additionally, it stresses responsible AI use, the importance of continuous learning, and the gradual development of AI technology, dispelling fears associated with it. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
June 26, 2024

#258: Leadership and Work Culture in 2024

The TRU Leader Podcast, hosted by Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, delves into the evolving nature of leadership, work, and life, advocating for breaking through traditional norms to boost productivity, effectiveness, and overall well-being. With nearly four decades of combined experience, the hosts explore how the pandemic has shifted perceptions of work-life balance and discuss findings from the HP Work Relationship Index survey, revealing a concerning disconnect between knowledge workers and their sense of value, respect, and work-life balance. The discussion underscores the critical need for purpose, passion, and employee recognition in the workplace, emphasizing that many individuals prioritize happiness and meaningful work over monetary compensation. The conversation further highlights the necessity of rethinking productivity, evolving company culture, and leveraging technology to enhance employee satisfaction and organizational success. It addresses the risks of burnout, particularly in professions driven by passion and purpose, and stresses the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between professional and personal life for effective leadership. The episode also touches on the challenges of remote work, including building trust and engaging employees without face-to-face interaction, and the importance of aligning work with personal values and goals. In conclusion, The TRU Leader Podcast emphasizes the significance of personal and organizational change in fostering a fulfilling work environment and life. It promotes the TRU leader Mentorship Program as a tool for individuals seeking to align their work with their values and aspirations, encouraging listeners to take proactive steps towards achieving a healthier work-life balance and meaningful employment. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!    SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
June 19, 2024

#257: Mastering Work-Life Fulfillment with Dr. Tracy Brower

In this TRU Leader Podcast episode, guest Dr. Tracy Brower, along with hosts Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, explore the concept of work-life fulfillment and the pursuit of happiness. The conversation addresses the delicate balance between work and personal life, underscoring the need for effective management of passion and energy to prevent overextension while remaining energized by our pursuits. The hosts advocate for organizational support in achieving this balance through meaningful work, flexible schedules, and empowering employees with choice and control. They highlight the importance of aligning organizational support with individual needs, encouraging actions that resonate with personal beliefs, and making mindful decisions for greater happiness and contentment. Contrary to the belief that happiness emerges from overcoming challenges alone, the discussion promotes actively creating conditions conducive to joy and elevating happiness levels. The dialogue further delves into finding joy in life’s journey, embracing challenges as growth opportunities, and the power of intentional decision-making in aligning with one’s passions. It stresses the value of a supportive work culture that honors both personal and professional aspects of life and acknowledges the dignity of all work contributions. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
June 12, 2024

#256: A Stark Look at the Rise of CEO Turnover and Burnout

The TRU Leader Podcast episode, featuring Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, tackles the critical issue of CEO burnout and the essential pursuit of work-life balance for high-achieving leaders. It sheds light on the rising trend of CEO turnover due to burnout, emphasizing the negative effects on both individuals and their organizations. The hosts offer practical strategies for enhancing productivity and well-being, such as setting priorities, learning to decline unnecessary commitments, delegating tasks, and emphasizing self-care. They underscore the importance of integrating personal well-being with professional duties, adopting a flexible mindset, and seeking support when necessary. The conversation also covers the value of establishing micro habits like exercise, mental resilience, positivity, and adequate sleep, alongside managing relationships and stress. Further, it discusses the significance of balancing personal growth and professional success through mindfulness, meditation, reflection, and prioritization. Strategies including weekly check-ins, employing systems like EOS, setting boundaries, celebrating achievements, and adopting dynamic approaches for achieving work-life balance are explored. Ultimately, the episode advocates for seeking help, making intentional choices, leveraging polarities, and aligning actions with one’s greater purpose to cultivate thriving leadership. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
June 5, 2024

#255: Why Do Leaders Need More Mental Toughness? with Matt Phillips

On The TRU Leader Podcast, former professional baseball player and leadership coach Matt Phillips shares insights into leadership development and mental toughness with hosts Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth. Phillips emphasizes the importance of mental resilience, mindset, and self-motivation for sales leaders to overcome personal and professional challenges and achieve high performance. He discusses the necessity of understanding customer motivations, risk tolerances, and learning styles for effective influence, alongside crafting a vision, setting clear expectations, and fostering consistency in personal growth to enhance leadership skills and team performance. The conversation also covers a leadership development program that focuses on continuous personal growth through regular training, group coaching, reflection, and embracing change. Key practices include daily journaling, envisioning future selves, evolving leadership styles, clear communication, and making concepts tangible through documentation and setting clear expectations. The significance of risk-taking, quick pivoting, establishing partnership agreements, and consistent leadership reflection are underscored as essential for creating a positive work environment and optimizing team dynamics. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
May 29, 2024

#254: The Power of Inner Strength and Self-Acceptance with Karen Seltz

Karen Seltz shares her transformative journey on The TRU Leader Podcast, from experiencing spiritual shame and personal challenges, including her child’s health issues and her own struggles with addiction, to finding solace in spirituality after a period of atheism. She emphasizes the significance of self-acceptance, inner strength, and the continuous evolution of one’s spiritual journey for personal and leadership growth. Seltz discusses the importance of addressing unresolved trauma as a root cause of addiction, explaining how subconscious programming and emotions tied to past experiences can lead to maladaptive behaviors. She highlights how understanding the subconscious mind is crucial for setting effective goals and overcoming stress responses triggered by past traumas. Through sharing her experiences and insights, including starting the “Irresistible You” show on the Win Win Women Network, Seltz offers advice on trauma release, meditation, and working with the subconscious mind to empower individuals, especially women, to trust themselves and pursue personal growth by gradually sharing their truths in safe spaces and addressing subconscious beliefs. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: 
May 22, 2024

#253: TRU Series 3 – Leading and Living in Personal Alignment

In this podcast episode from the TRU leader Series hosted by Dr. Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, the discussion centers on the critical role of personal alignment in becoming a TRU Leader, especially during challenging times. The hosts aim to guide high achieving leaders towards breaking conventional norms that lead to suffering at work and home, providing new ways of thinking and strategies for thriving both professionally and personally. They emphasize the importance of resilience, empowerment, and living intentionally, linking leadership effectiveness and overall well-being to the quality of one’s personal alignment. The narrative underscores that individuals aligned with their purpose tend to report higher levels of well-being, especially noted during the pandemic. Personal alignment involves staying connected with one’s inner self, values, and what truly matters, which is essential for leading a fulfilling life and being an effective leader. It is pointed out that growth and stepping out of comfort zones, when done in alignment with one’s true self, lead to increased confidence, energy, and a sense of ease. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
May 15, 2024

#252: TRU Series 2 – Be the Change: Mastering the Law of Polarity in Leadership

In their podcast episode, Tracy and Michelle explore the essence of TRU leadership, highlighting the significance of resilience, empowerment, living intentionally, and strategic foresight. They stress that authentic leaders are deeply rooted in their values, capable of making mindful decisions with ease, and operate from a position of strength. A critical aspect of leadership discussed is the shift from limiting to empowering beliefs. The conversation delves into the detrimental mindset of waiting for perfect conditions before acting, termed as operating from a default system, which leads to missed opportunities and stagnation. Instead, they advocate for a proactive approach to life and leadership, emphasizing the importance of embodying leadership qualities before taking action. This inside-out approach underlines the symbiotic relationship between being and doing, suggesting that effective leadership actions stem from a genuine embodiment of leadership traits. The podcast also introduces the TRU Leader Mentorship Program, designed to assist leaders in embracing and practicing these principles. The dialogue covers the concept of balancing “being” and “doing” to achieve greater outcomes, encouraging listeners to move away from default settings towards a more intentional and empowered stance. This balance, they argue, can lead to a virtuous cycle of personal growth and success. By sharing real-life transformations that highlight the power of aligning one’s essence with their actions, Tracy and Michelle aim to inspire their audience to embrace TRU leadership. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
May 8, 2024

#251: TRU Series 1 – True Grit: Leading Through Chaos with Mindful Choices

The TRU Leader Podcast, hosted by Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth, explores the challenges of leadership in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. The hosts emphasize the need for adaptability and mindful decision-making, focusing on the development of resilience and self-awareness. Key traits of true leaders such as persistence, boldness, courage, and mindfulness are discussed, with the aim to provide listeners with innovative thinking and actionable strategies for success both professionally and personally. The importance of personal alignment, creativity, and discipline is underscored, highlighting how beliefs shape decisions and the significance of replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones. The podcast stresses the role of values in making mindful choices and the essential nature of discipline in realizing goals, urging listeners to engage in self-reflection and to understand the power they hold to make changes at any moment, rather than waiting for the perfect opportunity. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
May 1, 2024

#250: From Battlefield to Burnout and Beyond: Charting a Leader’s Course to Resilience with Jimmy Burroughes

Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth host The TRU Leader Podcast to assist leaders in overcoming norms that cause suffering at work and home. They invited guest Jimmy Burroughes, author of “Beat Burnout,” who shared his insights on preventing and recovering from burnout in leadership roles. Burroughes, an ex-British army officer and now a leadership coach, discussed his transition from military service in Iraq post-9/11 to combating burnout. He emphasized the link between imposter syndrome and leader burnout, stressing the importance of an abundance mindset, integration, and cooperation both within and beyond the workplace. His personal battle with burnout inspired him to write “Beat Burnout,” providing practical steps for leaders to avoid it. Jimmy also addresses the current challenges leaders face, such as the shortage of role models due to the retirement of established leaders, insufficient training and resources for emerging leaders, and team dynamics since COVID. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
April 24, 2024

#249: Navigating the New Era of Leadership with Rosalie Audoin

On the TRU Leader podcast, Rosalie Audoin, an executive coach and senior leadership consultant, discussed the evolving responsibilities of managers in the context of remote work and cross-cultural teams. Hosted by leadership coaches Tracy and Michelle, the episode focuses on practical leadership strategies and personal development.  Ros highlights the importance of managers understanding their employees as individuals, the necessity of self-awareness for leaders, and utilizing strengths assessments to maximize effectiveness within one’s “zone of genius.” She proposed a tiered system for managing large teams that prioritizes inspiration over daily task management.  The conversation also touched on engaging with London’s local culture, a thought experiment involving time travel, and the broader mission of equipping leaders with tools to enact global change. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
April 17, 2024

#248: Path to Leadership Excellence: Navigating Success with Susan Ireland

On The TRU Leader Podcast, hosts Michelle and Tracy engage in a dialogue with Susan Ireland, an entrepreneur and leadership coach with a background at Boeing, on the topic of leadership success. Susan shares her journey from a 30-year career at Boeing to co-founding Seasoned Leadership, emphasizing the unplanned nature of her transition and the swift establishment of their leadership development program. The discussion covers essential leadership principles, the risks of promoting leaders solely based on expertise, and the potential dangers of micromanagement. The impact of a leader’s attitude is also examined, with a focus on the positive or negative influence they can have on their teams. Susan advises new leaders on the significance of personal development, including adopting a leadership mindset, utilizing mentors, coaches, and peers, and maintaining personal management systems to stay organized. Embracing core values is also stressed as crucial for decision-making congruent with personal beliefs. Furthermore, the conversation touches on self-awareness, understanding one’s leadership identity, and how personal values affect leadership styles. The adaptability of leadership approaches, especially during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, is highlighted as essential. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
April 10, 2024

#247: The What and Why of Cultivating Financial and Emotional Intelligence with Dr. David Norris

In this episode, Dr. David Norris joins the podcast to discuss the intersection of financial and emotional intelligence in the healthcare industry. Dr. Norris, a practicing anesthesiologist and business consultant, shares insights into the importance of understanding financial reports, managing expenses, and embracing emotional intelligence to foster better patient care and professional relationships. Dr. David Norris is a seasoned anesthesiologist dedicated to enhancing healthcare providers' business acumen. With a background in medicine and business administration, Dr. Norris offers valuable expertise in navigating the financial complexities of medical practices. He emphasizes the significance of financial literacy and emotional intelligence in optimizing healthcare delivery and practice management. As you navigate your own journey, consider how embracing financial literacy and emotional intelligence can elevate not only your practice but also your personal and professional fulfillment. Stay tuned to learn more about this! For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
April 3, 2024

#246: Four Strategies for Conducing Meaningful One-on-One Conversations as Managers

In this episode, we highlight the importance managers engaging in meaningful conversations and fostering healthy relationships in the workplace. Drawing from insights and research, we explore how managers can improve engagement and foster healthier connections with their teams. We also discuss the value of silence and reflection during one-on-one conversations, recognizing them as essential components for meaningful dialogue. Additionally, we introduce the Healthy Relationship Partnership Agreement Tool, a practical resource designed to establish a solid foundation for healthy relationships in the workplace. Additionally, we introduce the Healthy Relationship Partnership Agreement Tool, a practical resource designed to establish a solid foundation for healthy relationships in the workplace. CLICK HERE to download the Healthy Relationship Partnership Agreement Tool. Join us as we delve deeper into strategies for enhancing meaningful conversations and relationships in the workplace. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
March 27, 2024

#245: Why Upskilling is a Key Workforce Strategy with Molly Ellenberg Friedland

We are back for another enlightening episode!  In this episode, we dive deep into the dynamic world of workforce education and upskilling with a remarkable guest, Molly Ellenberg Friedland. As the Group Vice President of Corporate Partnerships at InStride, Molly's career has been dedicated to expanding access to quality education and transforming the workforce landscape. We explore the critical importance of upskilling, the integration of soft skills into professional development, and the future of strategic workforce education in a rapidly evolving world. Join them for an insightful conversation that promises to inspire leaders and learners alike! In her role, Molly focuses on expanding access to excellent education and upskilling opportunities. With a background in education and partnership leadership, Molly brings expertise in building impactful partnerships and driving outcomes for learners and organizations alike. She shares insights into the transformative power of upskilling and its role in shaping the future of work. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
March 20, 2024

#244: Essential Skills for Establishing a Long-term Sustainable Hybrid Work Strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the concept of the office has undergone a remarkable transformation. No longer confined to physical spaces, our work environments now span the digital realm, blurring the lines between office and home. In today’s podcast, we dive into the intricacies of navigating hybrid work environments, a topic as timely as it is transformative. We explore the essence of fostering a thriving culture in hybrid work environments. From setting intentions to cultivating psychological safety, from individual reflection to collective engagement, we unravel the threads that weave together the fabric of modern workplace dynamics. Tune in as we discuss ways to build meaningful connections, foster productivity, and strike the delicate balance of structure and flexibility. Whether you're a seasoned remote worker or just dipping your toes into the hybrid work model, let’s explore the nuances, challenges, and triumphs of navigating hybrid work environments in today's ever-changing world. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
March 13, 2024

#243: The Long Game of Living a Healthy Lifestyle as a Leader with Dr. Hannah Brandt

We are so excited to be joined by a very special guest on this episode, Dr. Hannah Brandt, founder of HLB Lifestyle, a virtual nutrition and fitness coaching company. Dr. Brandt's journey of losing and maintaining a weight loss of over 60 pounds has inspired her to redefine weight management norms, shifting the focus from fad diets to sustainable health and joy. Dr. Hannah Brandt is the visionary behind HLB Lifestyle, a coaching platform dedicated to empowering individuals to embrace sustainable health practices and find joy in their wellness journeys. With a background in Physical Therapy and a personal experience of overcoming weight struggles, Dr. Brandt brings a unique blend of expertise and empathy to her coaching approach. Through HLB Lifestyle, she aims to challenge conventional notions of weight management and inspire individuals to lead healthier, happier lives. In today’s episode, Dr. Brandt shares insights into her accidental journey of entrepreneurship and the transformative power of prioritizing holistic well-being. Listeners will gain valuable perspectives on shifting from weight loss goals to lifestyle changes, prioritizing self-care, and navigating the complexities of health and fitness journeys in today's world. Stay tuned for transformative insights into holistic well-being and sustainable personal health practices! For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
March 6, 2024

#242: A Look at Regaining Trust in Leadership Through a Polarity Intelligence Lens

In this episode, we delve into the critical theme of trust in leadership. Amidst today's volatile landscape, Tracy and Michelle explore polarities such as Stability and Change and Directive and Participative Decision-making, emphasizing the need for balance to foster trust and achieve shared goals. Highlighting the importance of organizational culture and healthy relationships, they stress the value of trustworthiness, meaningful dialogue, and embracing diverse perspectives. The conversation underscores the significance of creating an environment where voices are heard, connections are nurtured, and trust thrives. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
February 28, 2024

#241: A Human Centered Conversation with Meg Wheatley

In today’s insightful episode, we delve into the core of perseverance and human-to-human warriorship with the esteemed Dr. Margaret Wheatley, a distinguished author and leadership expert. With decades of experience and wisdom, Margaret shares profound insights into the challenges and opportunities of leadership in today's dynamic world. As the author of "Perseverance" and the upcoming "Restoring Sanity," she provides practical strategies and empowering practices to help leaders navigate complexity and nurture resilience. Margaret Wheatley is a globally recognized writer, speaker, and thought leader in the realm of leadership and organizational change. Rooted in systems thinking and dedicated to exploring new paradigms, Margaret has authored influential books such as "Leadership and the New Science" and "Perseverance." As a trailblazer, she has committed her career to inspiring leaders to embrace resilience, compassion, and a deeper understanding of the human spirit. Join us as we explore the significance of community, the power of self-awareness, and the role of Warriors for the Human Spirit in preserving the essence of humanity amidst societal challenges. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
February 21, 2024

#240: Personal Workplace Lessons from Ovell Barbee

In this episode, tune in for an engaging discussion with our special guest, Ovell Barbee, a renowned visionary Human Resources leader, consultant, and speaker with a passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Ovell shares insights from his book, "The Big House," which explores a human-centered and progressive approach to DEI and positive workplace engagement. The conversation delves into overcoming challenges, fostering meaningful dialogue, and advocating for systemic change to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace. Ovell Barbee stands as a luminary in Human Resources, having held executive roles in Fortune 500 companies. As a chief diversity officer, speaker, and consultant, Ovell is deeply committed to advancing DEI initiatives. His firm, Ovell Barbee & Associates, reflects his dedication to cultivating inclusive work environments. Ovell’s book, "The Big House," serves as a valuable resource, sharing lessons from his career and offering actionable recommendations for organizations striving to enhance their DEI efforts. Come join us for a compelling conversation on navigating the complexities of diversity, equity, and inclusion. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
February 14, 2024

#239: Creating Next Level Teamwork with Tim Arnold

In this episode, we are thrilled to bring you a distinguished guest who needs no introduction in the world of leadership development and team building. Join us in welcoming Tim Arnold, an expert with over two decades of experience guiding leaders through the complexities of managing teams effectively. Tim Arnold is not only a seasoned author, having penned his best-selling book   "The Power of Healthy Tension," but also a practitioner who has applied his insights in organizations such as the United Nations, Compassion International, and the Royal Bank of Canada. As we dive into this conversation, Tim shares perspectives on polarities and paradoxes, offering invaluable insights on five polarities that, if leveraged well, can improve team performance. Tune in for an enriching dialogue that transcends conventional leadership paradigms, as Tim shares his wealth of knowledge and real-world experiences. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
February 7, 2024

#238: Balancing Artificial Intelligence with Human Intelligence

Today's episode is not just a discussion; it's a journey into the future – a future where Artificial Intelligence intersects with Human Intelligence, unlocking unprecedented possibilities. Join us as we discuss the disrupter and promise of Artificial Intelligence, and why it's paramount to balance it with our innate human capabilities. We talk about how combining these two intelligences, the challenges that lie ahead, and the thrilling potential awaiting those who embrace this paradigm shift. If you're a leader poised for innovation and growth, you won't want to miss this episode. Get ready to navigate the dynamic interplay between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence – it's a game-changer, and you're at the forefront! For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
January 31, 2024

#237: Leadership and The Imposter Syndrome with Tori Shaw Morawski

The episode provides valuable insights as we engage into a meaningful dialogue with our special guest, Toria (Tori) Shaw Morawski. We talk about overcoming Impostor Syndrome, embracing vulnerability, and building community that celebrates successes, ultimately contributing to personal and professional empowerment. Tori is a clinical social worker, certified diversity practitioner, and CEO of Globally Empowered, a consulting firm dedicated to advancing workforce development through diversity, equity, and inclusion. Join us and be inspired to lead authentically, celebrate victories, and embrace the transformative power of discomfort. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
January 24, 2024

#236: Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership Book is OUT!

In this episode, we’re excited to share that our book is finally out, “Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership." Unravel the profound insights from our newly released book and join us as we dive deep into the crucial aspects of understanding polarities, the skills to leverage them and why it's a game-changer for leaders in both personal and professional realms. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
January 17, 2024

#235: The Journey with Our Book Coach Adele Booysen

In this episode, we invite you to an engaging conversation with Dr. Adele Booysen, an esteemed book coach and editor. Adele Booysen is a coach, book editor, and writer with over 30 years of experience in various countries, including South Africa and Taiwan. She has worked in various roles involving writing, editing, photography, and leadership development, and has co-written and ghostwritten several books, including one that was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. We focus on details of our collaboration, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of our book, "Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership." Learn about the challenges, triumphs, and the unique approach Adele brings to the world of nonfiction editing. Get ready as we explore the impact of Polarity Intelligence™ beyond the pages of the book, offering valuable insights into its practical application in everyday life. For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
January 10, 2024

#234: Leading with Logic and Intuition

In this podcast episode, we delve into the crucial role of Logic and Intuition in decision-making, emphasizing their importance in leadership, business, and personal life. We explore the vital role of balancing these two elements for effective leadership. From mapping out logical and intuitive processes to practical applications in real-life scenarios, join us on a journey to discover the power of harnessing both Logic and Intuition in decision-making. Stay tuned and listen to The TRU Leader Podcast! For full show notes and links, visit If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
January 3, 2024

#233: Being a Leader and an Entrepreneur

In this podcast episode, we explore the relationship between entrepreneurship and leadership, highlighting the importance of balancing attributes to create a thriving business. Delving into the entrepreneurial spirit, we discuss qualities such as adaptability, vision, and risk-taking. With leadership, we underscore the role of motivating teams, establishing positive work cultures, and maintaining long-term vision. Tune in as we provide practical steps for individuals seeking to navigate the dynamic interdependent relationship between entrepreneurship and leadership. Stay tuned and listen to The TRU Leader Podcast! For full show notes and links, visit: If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
December 27, 2023

#232: Cultivating Leadership Development with Diane Hanson

In this podcast episode, we unpack the dynamic world of leadership and the importance of cultivating self-awareness and more with our special guest, Diane Hanson. Diane Hanson is the CNO for the EBSCO Clinical Decisions, Editor-in-Chief of EBSCO Nursing and Health Professions Products, and she has served as president of the ANIA Great Lakes Chapter for Nursing Informatics. We’re fortunate to be able to leverage on her 35 years of rich experience in the healthcare industry in executive leadership roles at various companies. From her lessons gained from her own experiences to her intentional strategies to develop strong leaders on teams and impact health professions, this episode is filled with valuable insights for both seasoned and emerging leaders. Join us as we discuss with Diane the essence of leadership and how it can leave a lasting impact on future generations. Stay tuned and listen to our inaugural TRU Leader Podcast! For full show notes and links, visit: If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
December 20, 2023

#231: Leading from the Inside Out

Picture this: Leadership, not just as a set of external skills, but as a journey deep within. In this week's the TRU Leader Podcast, we deep dive into the essence of leadership, framing it as an inside job first. Get ready to discover the essence of being an exceptional leader and the principles that elevate leadership, productivity, and well-being. Join us for a unique conversation where leadership transcends the conventional and takes on a transformative, personal meaning.  Tune in to become a thriving, resilient, and unstoppable (TRU) leader. For full show notes and links, visit: If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
December 13, 2023

#230: Introducing The TRU Leader Podcast

Welcome to THE TRU LEADER PODCAST, previously known as Healthcare's MissingLogic Podcast, where we offer a weekly dose of personal and professional development to help leaders reach their full potential. We aim to equip high-achieving leaders with new ways of thinking and practical strategies for success. Today, we empower high-achieving leaders to break free from the norms that cause suffering and achieve thriving, resilient and unstoppable (TRU) leadership success. We are so grateful for the first 229 podcast episodes we have done specifically for healthcare leaders and are super excited to expand our audience to all leaders in all industries. We have been called to do so, and we have answered! Stay tuned and listen to our inaugural TRU Leader Podcast! For full show notes and links, visit: If you found value in this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
December 6, 2023

About The TRU Leader Podcast

Do you wish you had a mentor with decades of experience who could show you how to bust through leadership norms, adopt new ways of thinking, and apply practical strategies to succeed in your personal and professional life?

That’s exactly what you will get when you tune into The TRU Leader Podcast with your hosts, life and business besties, polarity intelligence experts and authors, Dr. Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth. Their specialty is identifying and leveraging the tensions that show up and wreak havoc in all aspects of your life whether you are a formal or informal leader, small business owner, or entrepreneur.

Each episode is a weekly dose of personal and professional development giving you practical and tactical tools and strategies to help you reach your full leadership potential, create the life you love, and be a Thriving, Resilient, and Unstoppable (TRU) leader.

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