Impulse – Meeting Healthcare Pioneers

Impulse – Meeting Healthcare Pioneers

The podcast that democratizes medical technology and meets the people who are transforming this field.

All Episodes

#28 – Modeling embryos to understand early life – Jacob Hanna – Weizmann Institute of Science

Because of ethical and medical challenges, early human embryo development remains “a black box” to us, as Prof. Jacob Hanna himself puts it. Despite all the progress made in medicine over the past decades, there is still a whole lot to learn about the causes of miscarriages, infertility, or early developmental defects. In 2023, Jacob’s group from the Weizmann Institute of Science published a pivotal paper in Nature that redefines how we study developmental biology, with the potential to accelerate our understanding of early human life. Their achievement? The creation of the first synthetic embryo model closely resembling a day-14 fetus, obtained “ex utero” without gametes and outside a womb. A human embryo model derived from “naive” stem cells in the lab, which can be obtained from “adult” cells that make up our body (like skin cells for instance). A technology that could generate embryo models of ourselves based on a simple cell sample. This work had an unprecedented impact on the scientific community and the general public, being named by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 best inventions of 2023. A breakthrough that raises important ethical, technical, and legal questions. I had the honor of meeting Jacob for this episode of Impulse, with whom we discuss the functioning of this fascinating technology, its potential medical applications in the future, and the key societal questions it raises. A conversation where we dive into the magic of human development, with a stellar scientist and advocate for responsible scientific research! Timeline: (00:02:58) - Jacob’s journey from his medical practice to studying developmental biology (00:06:09) - Why we know so little about early human development (00:08:45) - Jacob’s lab breakthrough in modeling human embryos (00:16:20) - Reprogramming cells to their “naïve” state (00:18:09) - Dealing with your research being put under the spotlight (00:20:02) - The “recipe” to create human embryo models without gametes and outside a womb (00:27:22) - Ethical considerations and how far we can go with this technology (00:35:15) - Potential medical applications for the future (00:38:05) - Jacob’s role as an adviser to the startup Renewal Bio What we also talked about with Jacob: Prof. Shinya Yamanaka (2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Prof. John Gurdon) Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) Embryonic stem cells International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Taledomide We cited with Jacob some of the past episodes of the series:: #23 - Disrupting the smart wearables industry - Leo Grünstein - Spiden As mentioned by Jacob during the episode, we recommend the book “The Master Builder” by Prof. Alfonso Martinez Arias, challenging the traditional thinking where cells (and not DNA) may hold the key to understanding life’s past and present. Feel free to follow the Weizmann Institute of Science on LinkedIn. You can contact Jacob via email and follow his activities on LinkedIn, X, and Facebook! If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, contact me over LinkedIn or via email! And if you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 There’s now a bi-monthly newsletter around the podcast where you will be informed of the latest episodes and kept posted on the latest medical tech progress, subscribe here! Lastly, don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website!
May 7, 2024

[EXTRACT] – Jacob Hanna on the ethical implications of human embryo models

To discover the whole episode type "#28 - Modeling embryos to understand early life - Jacob Hanna - Weizmann Institute of Science" on your streaming platform.
May 7, 2024

#27 – Reinventing neuroelectronic therapies – Carolina Aguilar – Inbrain Neuroelectronics

We are at a turning point for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and neurotechnology. We have all witnessed phenomenal progress in this field recently via images shared by Neuralink, showing paralyzed patients who can communicate with a computer through their own thoughts. Other fascinating applications, such as those being worked on by Gregoire Courtine and Jocelyne Bloch, enable paraplegics to regain an unprecedented degree of walking mobility. These advancements are mind-blowing and illustrate the potential of these technologies to address conditions that have a major impact on quality of life. What if we were to enhance the physical properties of these implants while making them more accessible in terms of costs to health systems? Where could this paradigm shift take us, and what prospects could it open up for treating complex neurological disorders? This is what we explore in this episode with Carolina Aguilar, CEO of Inbrain Neuroelectronics, a company developing a cutting-edge neural platform based on graphene, promising to change the way we decode, modulate, and stimulate neuronal activity. We talk with Carolina about: How Inbrain Neuroelectronics' technology enhances the resolution of BCIs and their therapeutic potential The stakes around BCIs and their promise in treating serious neurological disorders The importance of focusing their development around therapeutic indications vs. aiming for human augmentation The commercialization of these solutions through a value-based care approach and key success factors Empowering women in science and business An outlook on the future of brain therapies that bridges the gap between reality and science fiction! Timeline: (00:03:22) - Explaining Inbrain Neuroelectronics’ neural platform (00:07:32) - The medical need for BCIs and the first indications targeted by Inbrain Neuroelectronics (00:18:46) - Risks around BCIs and ethical considerations for the field to head in the right direction (00:26:17) - Toward value-based commercial models for BCIs (00:29:40) - Transitioning from Medtronic to an early-stage Medtech startup (00:33:29) - Empowering women in science and business What we also talked about with Carolina: Neuralink Elon Musk Sapiens Steering Brain Stimulation Medtronic ONWARD Medical Precision Neuroscience Paradromics Synchron Neurosoft Bioelectronics We cited with Carolina some of the past episodes from the series: #6 - Bringing back walking to paraplegics - Jocelyne Bloch - .NeuroRestore As mentioned by Carolina during the episode, you can access Inbrain Neuroelectronics’ publications here and learn more about their ongoing research and therapy development efforts. You can listen to the Neurotech Pub podcast hosted by Matt Angle here. Feel free to follow Inbrain Neuroelectronics activities on LinkedIn. If you want to contact Carolina, you can reach out to her over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 There’s now a monthly newsletter around the podcast where you will be informed of the latest episodes and updated on the latest medical tech progress, subscribe here! Lastly, don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website!
April 7, 2024

[EXTRACT] – Carolina Aguilar on the future of neurotechnology

To discover the whole episode type "#27 - Reinventing neuroelectronic therapies - Carolina Aguilar - Inbrain Neuroelectronics" on your streaming platform.
April 7, 2024

#26 – Redefining allergy care – Kenneth Chahine – Nectar Life Sciences

Many of us struggle with allergies, usually something we’ve been dealing with our whole life, either continuously or episodically. Be it related to food, pollen, dust, pets, or many others, it’s quite a pain and it can take us away from many things we appreciate in life. And I deliberately include myself in this group. Somehow it was engraved in my brain as a condition one needs to cope with, without much opportunity for improvement. It turns out companies like Nectar Life Sciences are redefining the way we detect and treat allergies from the comfort of our homes. Based on the latest science in this field, and backed by his extensive experience in consumer healthcare, Kenneth Chahine and his team are transforming the experience of allergy care for patients, offering a convenient and personalized approach to it. In this revealing episode, we talk with Kenneth about: The inconvenience of past approaches to allergy detection and treatment How allergy immunotherapy works and can be delivered through a few drops delivered to the tongue How Nectar Life Sciences enables personalized allergy immunotherapy for patients The transformative power of preventing acute allergic shocks Lessons learned from a serial healthcare entrepreneur at the interface of genetics, biochemistry, and intellectual property A conversation with a tireless figure in healthcare entrepreneurship, shedding light on one of the largest chronic conditions globally and how it can be tackled in a modern way! Timeline: 02:28 - Kenneth’s background at the interface of genetics, biochemistry and intellectual property 04:14 - The global burden of allergies as a chronic condition 05:53 - Origins of allergies 07:49 - Immunotherapy or how to train your immune system to be desensitized to allergens 09:43 - Detecting which allergens you are sensitive to 11:17 - How Nectar Life Sciences approaches allergy treatment 22:11 - Kenneth’s mindset toward solving complex healthcare challenges in new ways 26:01 - Opportunities beyond allergy care 32:16 - Kenneth’s advice to fellow healthcare entrepreneurs What we also talked about with Kenneth: Avigen Ancestry Anaphylaxis Neurimmune University of Utah We cited with Kenneth some of the past episodes from the series: 15 - Propelling diagnostics through miniaturization - Nicolas Durand - Abionic As mentioned by Kenneth during the episode, you can access Nectar Life Sciences’ Learning Hub here and learn more about Prof. Edwin H. Kim’s research there. Feel free to follow Nectar Life Sciences activities on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok! If you want to contact Kenneth, you can reach out to him over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 There’s now a monthly newsletter around the podcast where you will be informed of the latest episodes and updated on the latest medical tech progress, subscribe here! Lastly, don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website!
February 4, 2024

[EXTRACT] – Kenneth Chahine on being dogmatic about improving allergy care

To discover the whole episode type "#26 - Redefining allergy care - Kenneth Chahine - Nectar Life Sciences" on your streaming platform.
February 4, 2024

#25 – Stopping a bleed in three seconds – Joe Landolina – Cresilon

We don’t need to look far in the daily news to understand the stakes and the importance of having efficient solutions to control and stop bleeding. In the times we live in, where the world is crippled by a series of humanitarian catastrophes (some of natural origin, some of human origin), technological wonders from the medical field make me truly hopeful about the future, and about what we can achieve as humans. One of them is the hemostatic gel - a gel that can stop bleeding - that Joe Landolina and his team at Cresilon created. And its astonishing performance is easy to grasp: any bleed can be stopped within three seconds. Compared to traditional methods that require several minutes, it can mean the difference between life and death. There’s so much that impresses in Joe’s journey since the foundation of Cresilon: the fact that he developed the gel formulation himself, that he founded the company at 17 years old in his first year at University, or that Cresilon now represents the largest biotech manufacturing site in New York, and so much more! Beyond these successes, this episode is an ode to biomimicry and the science of biomaterials. Joe reveals everything about the functioning of this revolutionary medical product, its ability to stop bleeding almost instantly, and what it changes in medicine for the treatment of superficial injuries, but especially for the most severe traumatic cases. A surprising encounter with a prodigious entrepreneur, building his path on resilience and adaptability, with the long-term vision to transform bleeding control in humans! Timeline: 02:23 - Joe’s background and founding Cresilon in his first year in college 06:15 - Cresilon’s mission and the technology at its core 08:42 - How the hemostatic gel from Cresilon compares to traditional bleeding control methods 10:40 - The explanation behind Cresilon’s hemostatic gel unique performance 16:06 - How the gel is applied and removed 21:44 - Marketing first the product for veterinary application before moving to human use 25:27 - Being the only biotech company with manufacturing capabilities in New York 34:15 - Setting up the company to become a large medtech player in the long term What we also talked about with Joe: New York University Columbia University Scar tissue formation Fibrin Extracellular matrix Hurricane Sandy American Veterinary Medical Association Roche Pfizer Cutiss We cited with Joe some of the past episodes from the series: 18 - The dark genome as the next revolution in drug discovery - Samir Ounzain - HAYA Therapeutics Feel free to follow Cresilon’s activities on LinkedIn! You will find here the TED Talk that Joe held in 2015, and here the Medsider podcast episode between Joe and Scott Nelson that we mention in this episode of Impulse. If you want to contact Joe, you can reach out to him over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 There’s now a bi-monthly newsletter around the podcast where you will be informed of the latest episodes and updated on the latest medical tech progress, subscribe here! Lastly, don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website!
November 12, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Joe Landolina on the criticality of rapid bleeding control in medicine

To discover the whole episode type "#25 - Stopping a bleed in three seconds - Joe Landolina - Cresilon" on your streaming platform.
November 12, 2023

#24 – Reimagining male contraception – L.R. Fox – NEXT Life Sciences

How would the world look like if men had the most efficient and reversible means of birth control? The outstanding work that L.R. Fox and his team at NEXT Life Sciences are leading might bring a very tangible answer to this question. Based on the pioneering work from Prof. Sujoy K. Guha and The Parsemus Foundation, they are developing one of the most promising male birth control methods medicine has ever known, under the name of Plan A. As an American citizen who has grown under the Foster Care program, Fox (as he likes to be called) has witnessed firsthand the dramatic consequences that unplanned pregnancies can have on individuals and their relatives in the long term. According to him, we have gone quite far already in terms of available options for women and men when it comes to birth control methods. But Plan A could be a revolution in the space, as it is completely hormone-free, painless to deliver and revert, and has an efficacy duration that is way beyond current standards. And most importantly, it can redistribute the heavy responsibility of family planning from women to men. In this episode, we talk about the science behind Plan A, where the technology comes from, how far is it from being available worldwide, and what it would change for society as a whole! A fascinating conversation with a visionary founder, deeply led by the purpose of fostering a positive impact in the world, and with a strong social approach to entrepreneurship! Timeline: 02:35 - Fox’s background and how he landed in the field of male contraception 06:16 - Experiencing firsthand the consequences of unplanned pregnancies 09:34 - The mission of NEXT Life Sciences 11:50 - The need, the science, and the functioning of Plan A 16:02 - How the Plan A procedure works and gets reverted 25:02 - Guaranteeing a 10-year efficacy claim 26:56 - Launching the first human clinical trials 33:55 - Making it accessible to the broadest population 38:17 - The philosophy of Fox and NEXT Life Sciences What we also talked about with Fox: Sexually transmissible diseases (STDs) Condoms Vasectomy Reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance (RISUG) Plan B Public benefit corporation We cited with Fox some of the past episodes from the series: #6 - Bringing back walking to paraplegics - Jocelyne Bloch - .NeuroRestore You can learn more about NEXT Life Sciences through their website, and feel free to follow their activities on LinkedIn! As mentioned by Fox during the episode, you can learn more about Plan A on the dedicated website as well as on Instagram, X, Facebook, and TikTok. If you want to contact Fox, you can reach out to him over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 There’s now a bi-monthly newsletter around the podcast where you will be informed of the latest episodes and updated on the latest medical tech progress, subscribe here! Lastly, don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website!
October 18, 2023

[EXTRACT] – L.R. Fox on the next generation of male contraceptives

To discover the whole episode type "#24 - Reimagining male contraception - L.R. Fox - NEXT Life Sciences" on your streaming platform.
October 18, 2023

#23 – Disrupting the smart wearables industry – Leo Grünstein – Spiden

Wearables are a form of technology that has rapidly become a part of our lives over the past 15 years, with the introduction of devices from Fitbit, Apple, Samsung, and others to the market. Initially informing us about our heart rate and daily step count, they have evolved to incorporate increasingly sophisticated features, allowing us to track our sleep relatively accurately, monitor our overall physical activity, and sometimes even include recognized medical functions (such as the FDA-approved atrial fibrillation detection of the Apple Watch). However, no device of this type allows for real-time quantification of molecules circulating in our blood or other bodily fluids, through optical methods. And that's exactly the challenge that Leo and his team at Spiden have set for themselves: to create the most advanced wearable, capable of continuously and non-invasively measuring multiple biomarkers circulating in our bodies. This could redefine our understanding of our own physiology and change our approach to medicine, by providing insights for the prevention, diagnosis, and monitoring of several conditions, that were previously inaccessible. Since its creation in 2017, Spiden has been operating away from the spotlight, but Leo does us the honor in this exclusive episode to reveal the first secrets behind Spiden’s technology. We discuss its functioning, its initial applications, who the future users will be, and also the incredible team of world-renowned scientists Leo has managed to bring together in the fields of optics, electronic engineering, and machine learning (three fields that were originally completely foreign to him) to achieve his vision. A fascinating conversation about the future of personalized medicine with a bold and successful entrepreneur! Timeline: 03:43 - Leo’s background as a serial entrepreneur from fintech to deep tech 04:56 - Why Leo found Spiden and works towards improving our health 07:14 - The mission of Spiden 11:00 - The technology behind Spiden 14:47 - The biomarkers that Spiden can track 19:02 - Target users of Spiden’s future wearable 22:28 - Designing a health-dedicated device 24:10 - Attracting world talents in fields you are not initially from 34:01 - The importance of in-person interactions in a scientific and multidisciplinary team What we also talked about with Leo: Continuous glucose monitoring (Abbott Freestyle Libre) Bits & Pretzels HealthTech Photoplethysmography (PPG) Biohacking Glucose Goddess Whoop Oura Garmin Huberman Lab induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) We cited with Leo some of the past episodes from the series: #4 - Filtering the blood with nanoengineered beads - Lukas Langenegger - Hemotune #11 - Turning the lab into a wearable platform - Esmeralda Megally - Xsensio #21 - Transforming hypertension care with a bracelet - Jay Shah - Aktiia You can learn more about Spiden through their website. Feel free to follow as well their activities on LinkedIn! As mentioned by Leo during the episode, you can learn about the painful history of non-invasive glucose measurement through the book “The Pursuit of Noninvasive Glucose - Hunting the Deceitful Turkey” by John L. Smith. If you want to get in touch with Leo, feel free to contact him over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, you can contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 There’s now a bi-monthly newsletter around the podcast where you will be informed of the latest episodes and kept up to date on the latest medical tech progress, simply subscribe here! And don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website!
September 4, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Leo Grünstein on the future of smart wearables

To discover the whole episode type "#23 - Disrupting the smart wearables industry - Leo Grünstein - Spiden" on your streaming platform.
September 4, 2023

#22 – Harnessing self-driving technology to guide the visually impaired – Maël Fabien –

Given the rapid progress made in this field in recent years, autonomous vehicles could soon become part of our daily lives, bringing with them all the consequences and questions they raise in terms of modern mobility. This would benefit people with visual impairments who are unable to drive. However, it wouldn't necessarily assist them in their pedestrian moves, which will always play a significant role in their daily lives. Maël Fabien became aware of the lack of available solutions in this regard during a walk in town. He noticed a visually impaired person video calling a friend, who was guiding her through his voice based on the video she was sharing. As a result, he took inspiration from the latest advances in autonomous vehicles to create a harness capable of continuously analyzing the pedestrian environment, and safely guiding its users in all their movements. From there, Biped was born, a device that promises to improve the life of the 270 million visually impaired people worldwide, by providing them with a much more accurate and secure perception of their environment than traditional solutions. In this surprising episode, you will learn about: The daily life of a visually impaired person and its impact on mobility How Biped was developed in close collaboration with its end users Some key concepts of autonomous mobility and the sensors that constitute it How Biped translates the user's 3D environment into audio cues for guidance The potential applications of Biped beyond ophthalmology An outlook on the future of mobility and what it might change for those with limited vision! Timeline: 02:01 - Maël’s interests at the interface of economics and speech processing 04:07 - Addressing the need for 270 million visually impaired 07:50 - What Biped is about 15:32 - How Biped reads and translates the environment of the user 22:30 - How users are trained on the system 24:14 - The spectrum of visually impaired people that Biped serves 30:08 - The underlying business model 32:19 - Potential applications beyond ophthalmology 34:58 - What users say about it 39:09 - Maël’s definition of impact What we talked also talked about with Maël: Idiap Research Institute Mobility training Lidar Bone conduction headphones Jules Gonin Eye Hospital Glaucoma Retinitis Pigmentosa Macular Degeneration Cochlear Implants You can learn more about through their website. Feel free to follow as well their activities on LinkedIn! As mentioned by Maël during the episode, you can find out more about the latest advances in autonomous driving and related AI through Tesla’s yearly AI Day (2022 recording here). He also recommends The Blind Life YouTube channel to understand how it feels to be in the shoes of a visually impaired person. If you want to learn more about Maël and his other endeavors besides, have a look at his blog! If you want to get in touch with Maël, feel free to contact him over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, you can contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 And don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and through our website!
August 15, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Maël Fabien on the notion of impact and building things that matter

To discover the whole episode type "#22 - Harnessing self-driving technology to guide the visually impaired - Maël Fabien -" on your streaming platform.
August 15, 2023

#21 – Transforming hypertension care with a bracelet – Jay Shah – Aktiia

Few companies can claim to be a step ahead of tech giants in the wearable race. The Swiss company Aktiia can. They were the first to successfully bring to market a device capable of continuously and accurately measuring blood pressure, officially approved in Europe and soon to be in the US. All in a discreet bracelet that resembles a traditional jewel. It changes the game for how we approach hypertension, the first chronic condition worldwide affecting a staggering 1.4 billion people, and which comes with dire long-term consequences like strokes and heart attacks. The impact such groundbreaking technology can have on the daily lives of those affected is immense, not to mention its benefits for those in charge of their medical care. Say goodbye to the uncomfortable and cumbersome inflatable cuff (the actual “gold standard” to measure blood pressure), not to mention the major step forward in terms of design! Aktiia has defied expectations by merging optical and machine learning expertise over nearly two decades of cutting-edge research, resulting in a significant breakthrough in the world of wearables. In this new episode of the series, we sit with Jay Shah - the leading cardiologist and current Chief Medical Officer at Aktiia - who shares with us the story and functioning behind this stunning piece of technology. You will learn about: Hypertension and the public health crisis it represents The benefits of continuous blood pressure measurement How the Aktiia bracelet works How a small company like Aktiia was able to stand up to the biggest tech companies Preventive medicine and why empowering patients in their self-care matters A fascinating episode exploring the medical potential of wearables in our lives! Timeline: 02:30 - Jay’s background as a cardiologist and what led him to Aktiia 05:30 - The most common cause of cardiovascular diseases: hypertension 10:15 - What Aktiia is about and what it changes for blood pressure monitoring 15:50 - How Aktiia’s technology work 20:12 - The limits of the pattern-matching approach with wearable data 24:00 - Why Aktiia succeeded where big tech companies failed 27:45 - Who can get access to Aktiia’s bracelet 30:35 - How Aktiia empowers patients to take better control of their condition What we also talked about with Jay: Mattia Bertschi Josep Sola Massachusetts General Hospital Mayo Clinic Blood pressure cuff (sphygmomanometer) Photoplethysmography NextMed Health We cited with Jay some of the past episodes from the series: #1 - Measuring your arterial age to prevent heart diseases - Ted Baldwin - Imageens #12 - Unleashing the power of digital health - Daniel Kraft - Digital.Health You can learn more about Aktiia through their website. Feel free to follow their activities on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram! As mentioned by Jay during the episode, you can find out more about the clinical research in hypertension and all the evidence developed around the bracelet in that regard here. For a very technical deep dive into cuffless blood pressure monitoring, we invite you to consult “The Handbook of Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, Researchers, and Engineers” by Josep Sola himself, one of the founders from Aktiia. If you want to get in touch with Jay, feel free to contact him over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, you can contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! 🙏 And don’t forget to follow our activities on LinkedIn and through our website!
August 1, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Jay Shah on how wearables are changing healthcare

To discover the whole episode type "#21 - Transforming hypertension care with a bracelet - Jay Shah - Aktiia" on your streaming platform.
August 1, 2023

#20 – Restoring touch through nerve repair – Karen Zaderej – Axogen

Restoring one of our five senses, in this case, touch. The stakes are immense (1 in 1000 people are affected yearly by a peripheral nerve injury!) and the origins are diverse: traumatic accident, cancer, amputation, and many others. And solutions to this problem have long needed to be improved. Karen Zaderej and her team at Axogen have set themselves the goal of changing this situation, by proposing new ways of treating nerves, taking advantage of their regenerative potential. A chemical engineer by training, Karen began her career at Johnson & Johnson in its surgical solutions subsidiary, ETHICON. With 17 years of experience in roles ranging from manufacturing to product development and sales, she decided to leave her corporate career behind. In 2006 she joined a Floridian start-up in its infancy, developing a new type of medical device enabling nerves to regenerate, still at the prototype stage and not yet tested on humans. The outcome? A company that has become a world leader in the development of cutting-edge nerve repair solutions, listed on the stock exchange and now employs over 400 people. In this new episode, we delve into the world of peripheral nerves, the source of our physical and motor sensations, and their formidable regenerative capacities. You will learn about: How our nerves work and current approaches to repairing them Phantom pain, how to explain it, and how to treat it How women today can regain sensation in their breasts following a mastectomy The journey of a remarkable woman entrepreneur who has made addressing nerve damage her life mission Prepare to be nervously amazed as we unravel the secrets of touch restoration! Timeline: 00:03:00 - Karen’s background as a nerve evangelist 00:07:35 - Key evolutions in medical technology that Karen witnessed 00:10:42 - What Karen learned at J&J that shaped the rest of her career 00:15:43 - What attracted Karen to Axogen and the potential of their technology 00:20:40 - Scaling up a medical device company from a very early stage onwards 00:23:15 - How Axogen enables nerve repair 00:27:18 - Bringing an answer to phantom pain 00:30:47 - The main indication areas covered by Axogen 00:38:31 - What the future of nerve repair might look like What we also talked about with Karen: Autograft Allograft Mastectomy Neuroma Da Vinci Surgical Systems We cited with Karen some of the past episodes from the series: #6 - Bringing back walking to paraplegics - Jocelyne Bloch - .NeuroRestore #2 - Treating liver cancer with surgical robotics - Lucien Blondel - Quantum Surgical You can learn more about Axogen through their website and their portfolio here. Feel free to follow as well their activities on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook! As mentioned by Karen during the episode, you can find out more about clinical research in peripheral nerve repair through the complete library of published papers curated by the company. Karen also invites you to consult and to hear about patient stories and find resources in case you face a similar situation. If you want to get in touch with Karen, feel free to contact her over LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so contact me over LinkedIn or via email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! Follow also our activities on LinkedIn and through our website!
June 25, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Karen Zaderej on the resensation technique for women having gone through mastectomy

To discover the whole episode type "#20 - Restoring touch through nerve repair - Karen Zaderej - Axogen" on your streaming platform.
June 25, 2023

#19 – Saving lives through cybersecurity – Richard Staynings – Cylera

We all know that medical data is sensitive personal information, which we would not like to have falling into the wrong hands. Along with the progress of digitalisation in healthcare, the number of cyberattacks towards this particular sector has dramatically increased over the past years. The ultimate risk? Slowed or even paralysed hospitals, with lives lost as a consequence. Since all of this happens in the background, it’s hard to grasp the severity of the situation, and the majority of us are not equipped with the expertise to understand how those events actually unfold. With decades of experience as a healthcare Chief Information Security Officer and current Chief Security Strategist at Cylera, Richard Staynings has seen firsthand the devastating consequences of such attacks on patients, providers, and organizations. But he's also a firm believer that with the right strategies, tools, and mindset, we can win the war against cyber threats in healthcare. In this episode, we dive headfirst into the high-stakes world of healthcare cybersecurity with one of the industry's most respected voices. You will learn about: The risks cyberattacks carry for health systems The most common types of cyberattacks in this sector The entities behind those threats What health systems can do to ensure their safety A conversation packed with eye-opening perspectives and actionable advice for anyone working in healthcare or concerned about its future! Timeline: 02:14 - introduction on Richard’s background and the mission of Cylera 03:26 - why cybersecurity matters in healthcare 07:58 - the example of WannaCry in the UK 10:46 - the main sources of threat for healthcare systems 29:46 - the approach Cylera takes to safeguard its clients What we also talked about with Richard: General Keith Alexander Malware Ransomware Denial-of-service attack Zero-day exploits The Interview The CIA Triad As mentioned in the episode, you can learn more about Cylera through their website and their approach here. You can also follow their activities on LinkedIn or Twitter! For further information about cybersecurity in healthcare, we’d recommend the Blog section from Cylera and the website curated by Richard himself: If you want to get in touch with Richard, feel free to contact him per email at [email protected], on LinkedIn or Twitter. In case you want to give me feedback on the episode or the podcast in general, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or per email at [email protected]! If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! We also invite you to follow our activities through our website, LinkedIn and Instagram!
April 26, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Richard Staynings on the consequences of cyberattacks in healthcare

To discover the whole episode type "#19 - Saving lives through cybersecurity - Richard Staynings - Cylera" on your streaming platform.
April 26, 2023

#18 – The dark genome as the next revolution in drug discovery – Samir Ounzain – HAYA Therapeutics

Most of our genome does not code for any protein, which led us to believe that 98% of our genetic material was useless. But what was initially termed as the “dark side of the genome” (which Star Wars fans will certainly appreciate!) turns out to play a crucial role in modulating our biology. It is in fact the software translating environmental factors (e.g. air quality, lifestyle, stress, etc.) into biological mechanisms, which can either lead to the proper functioning of our body or to certain illnesses. The stakes and the potential around its use to develop new treatments are therefore immense! And this is exactly what HAYA Therapeutics has been focusing on over the past few years: leveraging the science behind the “dark genome” to develop revolutionary treatments for chronic diseases, starting with heart failure. The promise compared to traditional approaches? More effective and targeted effects, focusing on one type of tissue only Lower therapy development costs due to shorter development processes So what stands behind this mysterious concept exactly? What is the science behind it? And how can this drive the development of new therapies to address some of the most widespread conditions across the globe? In this new episode of Impulse, learn all about this fascinating field in the words of Samir Ounzain - CEO from HAYA Therapeutics - on a mission to radically change the way we approach drug discovery and development. Passionate and didactic, he unveils the secrets of the “dark genome”, the influence of our surrounding environment on our genetics, and how we could leverage our understanding of this field to treat chronic diseases in a new way! Timeline: 02:32 - Samir’s background and how he got passionate about genetics 08:30 - What the “dark genome” is actually about 11:38 - How our understanding of the “dark genome” sparked the idea of what will become HAYA Therapeutics 25:30 - How HAYA Therapeutics aims to address heart failure 32:47 - Longevity and other applications on the long run 36:42 - How such new treatment would be delivered What we also talked about with Samir: Jurassic Park Wisper long noncoding RNA RNA interference & Anti-Sense Oligonucleotides Renin-angiotensin system We cited with Samir some of the past episodes from the series: #1 - Measuring your arterial age to prevent heart diseases - Ted Baldwin - Imageens As mentioned in the episode, you can learn more about HAYA Therapeutics through their website and their approach here. You can also follow their activities on LinkedIn or Twitter! For further information about the dark side of the genome and the science behind it, we’d recommend you to check out the book from John Mattick and Paulo Amaral entitled “RNA the Epicenter of Genetic Information”, as well as the interview of Manolis Kelis on Lex Fridman Podcast. A recent article by the BBC featuring Samir also details out what the dark genome is about and goes quite deep into the topic, worth checking out as well! If you want to get in touch with Samir, feel free to contact him per email at [email protected], on LinkedIn or Twitter. In case you want to give me feedback on the episode or the podcast in general, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or per email at [email protected]. If you liked the episode, please share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! We also invite you to follow our activities through our website, LinkedIn and Instagram pages!
April 14, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Samir Ounzain on the dark genome and its importance in human biology

To discover the whole episode type "#18 - The dark genome as the next revolution in drug discovery - Samir Ounzain - HAYA Therapeutics" on your streaming platform.
April 14, 2023

#17 – Coaching as the key to a better health – Eugene Borukhovich – YourCoach.Health

How can we support each and every one of us in identifying and pursuing our goals towards a healthier life, in a world where access to care seems to be continuously shrinking? The solution may lie in health coaching and making it accessible across the globe. Having witnessed his wife successfully battling breast cancer and becoming a certified health coach, Eugene Borukhovich joined her entrepreneurial adventure at YourCoach.Health in 2020 to co-found the first and only operating system for behavior change powered by an army of helath and wellness coaches. As a recognized and beloved leader in the healthcare space, Eugene relies on his incredibly diverse experience in the space - as an intra- and entrepreneur, executive, venture builder, advisor and even podcaster - to drive the operations of the platform. Three years down the line, it regroups more than 3000 certified health coaches, impacting a number of lives higher by several orders of magnitude, on a daily basis. There is still a long way to go to reach the projected 9 billion people on earth by 2030, but their determination is unquestionable: join the journey and learn all about health coaching in this new episode, the science behind it, and what it can do for you! Timeline: 02:22 - Eugene’s background in healthcare and most particularly digital health 07:35 - What triggered Eugene’s move towards entrepreneurship and health coaching 11:19 - What health coaching is about 20:41 - Moving from a Global corporate role to being your own boss 24:54 - Eugene’s take on making collaborations between startups and corporates in healthcare successful 29:23 - What led Eugene to go into podcasting and start the DTx Podcast and Shot of Digital Health Therapy What we also talked about with Eugene: Meetup Scott Heiferman Matthew Holt Indu Subaiya Health 2.0 Conference Lark Health Twill Marina Borukhovich Bayer G4A Hard Pill To Swallow Dan Kendall Jim Joyce As mentioned in the episode, you can learn more about YourCoach.Health through their website and their app available on the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also follow their activities on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook! For further information about health coaching and the science behind it, we’d recommend you to check out the podcast produced by the YourCoach.Health team, as well as The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching. If you want to get in touch with Eugene, feel free to contact him per email at [email protected], or on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. In case you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or per email at [email protected]. If you liked the episode, share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5-star review on streaming platforms! We also invite you to follow our activities through our website, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram pages.
February 21, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Eugene Borukhovich on health coaching and the importance of human-to-human interactions

To discover the whole episode type "#17 - Coaching as the key to a better health - Eugene Borukhovich - YourCoach.Health" on your streaming platform.
February 21, 2023

#16 – Making ultrasound portable to transform medical imaging – Ohad Arazi – Clarius

Starting a career in the Israeli army, becoming a lawyer, and finally transforming the field of medical imaging. In a very schematic way, this is what might define Ohad Arazi’s path, who is now spearheading the field of handheld ultrasound as the CEO of Clarius. His curiosity for medical imaging - coupled with a very product-oriented mindset and an unrelenting desire to understand the problems that healthcare faces - leads him to integrate different structures, including the Fortune 500 giant McKesson, the Canadian telecommunication company Telus, and the Israeli startup Zebra Medical Vision, where he quickly occupies leadership roles with great responsibility. At Clarius (this “true gem” as he calls it in his own words) he draws on his expertise in the field of medical imaging to embed artificial intelligence into the most compact high quality ultrasound imaging platform on the market, developed by its brilliant founder Laurent Pelissier. The goal? Allowing any healthcare professional to perform an ultrasound scan, with a system as intuitive, qualitative, and compact as an iPhone. Perhaps those will even find their place in patient’s homes at some point! In light of the current boom in digital health and the radical developments in AI, Ohad shares his perspective on the role that these technologies will have on certain medical specialities and notably radiology, where he believes that they will rather augment them without replacing them. He also explains why he thinks that most technological capabilities in digital health are outstripping the value they can create, and reflects on his career path where his transitions from huge corporates to human-sized startups shaped his evolution and leadership. A surprising dive into the future of medical imaging, that we invite you to discover in this new episode! Timeline: 02:23 - Ohad’s background, from the military in Israel to healthcare in Canada 10:46 - What the medical imaging landscape looked like in the early 2000s 14:51 - Ohad’s take on the current boom in digital health 19:36 - Clarius’ mission in transforming high-end ultrasound for healthcare professionals 33:11 - How AI is embedded into the products from Clarius 35:09 - Dealing with hypergrowth as a medical imaging startup 39:48 - Ohad’s reflections on his career path and the story of the Disney brothers What we also talked about with Ohad: OpenAI Turtle Health PACS DICOM EHR James Hare Carolyn Lam We cited with Ohad some of the past episodes from the series: #1 - Measuring your arterial age to prevent heart diseases - Ted Baldwin - Imageens #12 - Unleashing the power of digital health - Daniel Kraft - Digital.Health As mentioned in the episode, you can learn more about Clarius through their website and follow their activities on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube! If you want to get in touch with Ohad, feel free to contact him per email at [email protected] or through LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or per email at [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! Finally, you can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, Twitter or on Instagram!
February 9, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Ohad Arazi on the importance of understanding the problem you are trying to solve

To discover the whole episode type "#16 - Making ultrasound portable to transform medical imaging - Ohad Arazi - Clarius" on your streaming platform.
February 9, 2023

#15 – Propelling diagnostics through miniaturization – Nicolas Durand – Abionic

Nicolas Durand is the CEO of Abionic, a Swiss-based startup which developed and commercialises the abioSCOPE®, a unique diagnostic platform characterised by its compact size and ability to deliver high quality results in a fraction of time. Passionate about high tech and wishing to become an entrepreneur from a very early age (he created his first company with a friend at school when he was 14 years old) he turned his PhD work into a venture, which today represents one of the most successful medtech startups in the country! We discuss with Nicolas the nanotechnology behind Abionic, the types of tests it can run, the targeted diseases, the efforts it takes to demonstrate the clinical efficacy of a new diagnostic device, but also the energy required to convince all the actors involved in the care pathway, from regulators, doctors, to patients. He also shares openly about his vision regarding the potential emergence of home diagnostic systems in the future, as well as his perspective on the impact that the Theranos scandal had on the diagnostics industry, and in particular on startups operating in this field. A conversation under the sign of resilience and excellence that we invite you to discover in this new episode! Timeline: 01:15 - Nicolas’ background and his original interest in high technology and entrepreneurship 03:12 - Creating your first company at 14 years old 05:59 - What Abionic is about and how its core diagnostic technology works 20:50 - Miniaturizing diagnostic tests beyond immunoassays 24:12 - The clinical settings where the abioSCOPE® is placed 26:35 - Towards the use of diagnostic systems at home 31:20 - The impact of the Theranos scandal on medtech startups What we also talked about with Nicolas: Philippe Renaud Robopoly PSP Sepsis IVDR Elizabeth Holmes Red Bull Air Race We cited with Nicolas some of the past episodes from the series: #4 - Fighting sepsis with nanoengineered beads to filter the blood - Lukas Langenegger - Hemotune #5 - Transforming diagnostics through spatial biology - Déborah Heintze - Lunaphore #12 - Unleashing the power of digital health - Daniel Kraft - Digital.Health #13 - Catalyzing drug discovery using organ-on-a-chip models - Bas Trietsch - Mimetas As mentioned in the episode, you can learn more about Abionic through their website and follow their activities on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook! Based on Nicolas’ suggestion, we invite you to read Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou to learn more about Elizabeth Holmes and the scandal around Theranos which literally shook the whole medtech industry in the past years! If you want to get in touch with Nicolas, feel free to contact him per email at [email protected] or through LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or per email at [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! Finally, you can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, Twitter or on Instagram!
January 18, 2023

[EXTRACT] – Nicolas Durand on Theranos and how it could have been a success

To discover the whole episode type "#15 - Propelling diagnostics through miniaturization - Nicolas Durand - Abionic" on your streaming platform.
January 18, 2023

#14 – Preserving our health with smart clothes – Vincent Martinez – Nanoleq

Will the next revolution in personalized health be led by connected clothes? This is the bet that Vincent Martinez and his team at Nanoleq are making, and they are putting all their efforts into turning their vision into reality! Originally, their idea was to target the cable industry with a proprietary technology enabling to create stretchable cables, with superior physical and electrical properties. The targeted companies being too slow in their adoption of the proposed approach, Vincent and his team decide to tackle the field of connected clothing, by proposing a set of components and tools enabling any clothing manufacturer to turn their garments into smart ones, able to measure multiple vital parameters but also to electrically stimulate certain regions of the body. Building upon their expertise in this space, they developed the first breathing smart garment with live biofeedback - Oxa - around which they designed a whole personalized program for everyone to reconnect to their body through breathing, the only vital sign we can consciously control. We talked with Vincent about the emergence of connected clothes and what role they will play in the preservation of our health, how stretchable electronics work, and how Nanoleq managed to develop a full breathing experience combining cutting-edge sensors with gamification, backed by the most renown ambassadors in the field. Timeline: 00:58 - Vincent’s background at the interface of materials science and biomedical engineering 02:57 - Launching a company to address the premature breakage of electronic cables 07:45 - What lies behind the term « stretchable electronics » 09:55 - Shifting the focus towards smart textiles 19:48 - The vision of Nanoleq around connected health 24:05 - Starting a new product line focused on breathing optimization: Oxa Life 35:00 - Federating a community of breathing specialists 37:46 - Making the most personalised and digitally engaging breathing optimization program 44:14 - Towards everyday wear of smart clothes What we also talked about with Vincent: ETH Pioneer Fellowships Luca Hirt Grégoire Courtine Start Summit Venture Kick Venture Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Wim Hof Sleep apnea Dan Brulé Headspace Petit Bambou Andrew Huberman We cited with Vincent some of the past episodes from the series: #6 - Bringing back walking to paraplegics - Jocelyne Bloch - .NeuroRestore #11 - Turning the lab into a wearable platform - Esmeralda Megally - Xsensio As mentioned in the episode, you can learn more about Nanoleq and the field of stretchable electronics through their website. The Kickstarter campaign for Oxa runs until Sunday December 18 and you can contribute to it at this page! For more information about Oxa, check out the official product page: Based on Vincent’s suggestions, check out the book Breath from James Nestor or this episode of Huberman Lab if you want to know more about the science behind breathing and the exercises that we discussed in this episode. You can also learn more about the Buteyko method here. If you want to get in touch with Vincent, feel free to contact him per email at [email protected] or through LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or per email at [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! Finally, you can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, Twitter or on Instagram!
December 14, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Vincent Martinez on the rise of smart textiles and their relevance in personalized health

To discover the whole episode type "#14 - Preserving our health with smart clothes - Vincent Martinez - Nanoleq" on your streaming platform.
December 14, 2022

#13 – Catalyzing drug discovery using organ-on-a-chip models – Bas Trietsch – Mimetas

Developing a new drug is a tough and strenuous endeavour, requiring investments that go beyond $1 billion and sometimes up to 15 years of time. On top of that, only 1 out of 10 drug candidates successfully passes clinical trial testing and regulatory approval. The Dutch company Mimetas, specialized in the use of organ-on-a-chip technology, aims to address exactly this challenge by accelerating this laborious process and making it more predictable. Their expertise actually lies in the development of in-vitro human tissue models (including diseases) which recapitulate the cellular complexity but also the biochemical and mechanical cues that make up the real tissues from our body. Such models can then be used as a powerful experimental platform for drug discovery, since they reflect our actual biology so well. Bas Triestch is one of the three founders from Mimetas (alongside Jos Joore and Paul Vulto) who saw in the early 2010s the potential to leverage organ-on-a-chip methods at scale for the benefit of drug discovery, leading them to become the most innovative Dutch company in 2022! In this episode, Bas takes us behind the scenes of the fascinating science that they are driving at Mimetas, the impact that they are having on the R&D efforts from some of the biggest players in the biotech industry, but also the shift that they have operated as a company, starting as a “hardware” provider and gradually becoming a specialized scientific service firm. Timeline: 01:35 - Bas’ background and the origins of Mimetas centered around new drug discovery approaches 05:31 - What organ-on-a-chip technology means and how it serves the development of new human tissue and disease models 09:05 - The OrganoPlate® as the key platform providing scalability and reproducibility for the study of such models 15:40 - Merging organoids and organ-on-a-chip technologies in a unique platform, the OrganoPlate® Graft 24:03 - Moving from better understanding diseases, through medication guidance, and up to personalized medicine 28:47 - Mimetas’ mission in accelerating the development of new treatments and finding the right drugs for the right patients 34:50 - Dealing with substantial amount of experimental data 39:24 - Shifting Mimetas’ business model from selling hardware components to offering specialized scientific services in the field of drug discovery What we also talked about with Bas: Leiden University Hans Clevers Roche Galapagos Trans-Epithelial Electrical Resistance (TEER) Wnt signaling pathway We cited with Bas some of the past episodes from the series: #5 - Transforming diagnostics through spatial biology - Déborah Heintze - Lunaphore #8 - Using organoids to transform drug discovery - Nikolce Gjorevski - Roche As mentioned in the episode, you can learn more about Mimetas and the field of organ-on-a-chip engineering through their website. Based on Bas’ recommendation, we also invite you to check out this review to get a deeper understanding of the field and where it stands at the moment. If you want to get in touch with Bas, feel free to contact him per email at [email protected] or through LinkedIn. If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or per email at [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! Finally, you can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, Twitter or on Instagram!
November 28, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Bas Trietsch on the radical benefits of using organ-on-a-chip models early in drug discovery

To discover the whole episode type “#13 - Catalyzing drug discovery using organ-on-a-chip models - Bas Trietsch - Mimetas" on your streaming platform.
November 28, 2022

#12 – Unleashing the power of digital health – Daniel Kraft – Digital.Health

Daniel Kraft is a surprising and admirable figure in the digital health landscape. Originally trained as a physician in internal medicine and pediatrics, he then distinguished himself by his research work focusing on regenerative medicine, while at the same time initiating several entrepreneurial projects in the medtech space. RegenMed Systems is one of them, a company that he founded and which led him to create a new type of medical device to facilitate bone marrow harvest procedures. IntelliMedicine is another one, where he aims to create a system enabling patients to 3D print their own medication at home, avoiding the intake of multiple pills on a daily basis. Aside from his own entrepreneurial endeavours, he advises several Fortune-50 and digital health-related startups, and is on the board of As one of the most renowned ambassadors of digital health, he is driven by the conviction that innovation in this space can only result from the synergies of disciplines and technologies that may initially be totally distant from the medical sphere. Through his activities at the Singularity University or through the program Exponential Medicine that he initiated, he brings together brilliant minds from a broad range of specialties who come together to explore convergent and rapidly developing technologies, to develop relevant applications in healthcare. Often called upon to speak to the future of health, medicine and technology, he has already given multiple TED and TEDMED Talks, and delivered keynotes to a wide array of organizations on those subjects. We talked with Daniel about his early days in the healthcare world, why he decided to study medicine and orient himself on this path, his perspective on the importance of collaboration and boldness when it comes to creating new digital health solutions, what the future looks like from his lens, but also how he manages to stay on top of things while keeping a healthy lifestyle! Timeline: 00:59 - Daniel’s background moving from medical studies, through biomedical research, entrepreneurship and thought leadership in digital health 03:56 - What drove Daniel to start a career in healthcare 05:54 - How converging new digital technologies can benefit medical progress 09:00 - The shift in adoption within the medical community towards digital health 10:49 - The types of medical data available these days to advance our understanding and management of diseases 14:30 - Establishing a general database to reference all things digital health - Digital.Health 20:16 - Zooming in on RegenMed Systems and IntelliMedicine 26:25 - A lookout on Daniel’s potential future projects in healthcare 31:54 - Daniel’s tips and secrets on his (almost) endless source of energy and drive What we also talked about with Daniel: Bits & Pretzels HealthTech Xolair Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign NASA IBM Watson CRISPR/Cas9 Continuum Health Ventures Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) You can learn more about Daniel’s activities through his website (we recommend you to subscribe to his weekly newsletter), and you can follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter. For a deep-dive into digital health solutions, we recommend you to consult Digital.Health, the database that Daniel and his team put together and which regroups most of the solutions already available out there. In case you want to experience the thrill of digital health and share your ideas with some of the brightest minds in the field, check out NextMed.Health, the conference in San Diego curated by Daniel and his team from March 13 to 16 next year. If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast, leave a positive review on streaming platforms and follow our activities on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter as well as on our website!
November 1, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Daniel Kraft on IntelliMedicine and 3D printing your own pills at home

To discover the whole episode type “#12 - Unleashing the power of digital health - Daniel Kraft - Digital.Health" on your streaming platform.
November 1, 2022

#11 – Turning the lab into a wearable platform – Esmeralda Megally – Xsensio

Miniaturizing the lab to allow for the continuous analysis of proteins and hormones circulating in our body through a wearable. This is the aim of Xsensio - a Swiss startup developing the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform - which will enable in the future to continuously track compounds present in the interstitial fluid, right underneath our skin. It is in essence a similar concept as the established continuous glucose measurement devices (which are nowadays moving from pure medical applications to consumer-oriented wellness programs), the difference being the type of biomarkers that the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform will enable to monitor - proteins and hormones on-body, continuously and in real-time - opening applications ranging from cardiology to oncology, in the hospital setting or at home. Esmeralda Megally (CEO of the company) shares with us her vision around personalized medicine and which role the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform will play in this regard. With passion, she explains us the concepts behind the functioning of this surprising technology, what it takes to bring it to the market, and reveals the potential synergies that it may have in the future with the current wearables that are already part of our daily living. Timeline: 02:20 - Esmeralda’s background and how it led to the creation of Xsensio 09:14 - The unmet need that Xsensio is addressing with its Lab-on-Skin(c) platform 13:51 - The applications where the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform will play a role 17:28 - The functioning of the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform and its components 22:50 - What lies ahead of Xsensio before making its first product commercialized 28:09 - Combining the Lab-on-Skin(c) platform with traditional wearables data 29:57 - Defining a medical product development roadmap in an emerging field and how to deal with accompanying uncertainty What we also talked about with Esmeralda: Fitbit Apple Watch Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Lab for Youth Mental Health NANOLAB Veri Supersapiens C-reactive protein Troponin T Mayo Clinic Rea Diagnostics We cited with Esmeralda some of the past episodes from the series: #4 - Fighting sepsis with nanoengineered beads to filter the blood - Lukas Langenegger - Hemotune If you want to know more about Xsensio, we invite you to consult their website and follow their activities on LinkedIn or Twitter. As mentioned by Esmeralda in the episode, have a read at this paper from Nature Biotechnology if you want to know more about the field of biosensing. You can get in touch with Esmeralda through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! You can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, or on Instagram!
October 19, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Esmeralda Megally on the emergence of wearable biosensors

To discover the whole episode type “#11 - Turning the lab into a wearable platform - Esmeralda Megally - Xsensio" on your streaming platform.
October 19, 2022

#10 – Applying blockchain technology to the healthcare sector – Eberhard Scheuer – dHealth Foundation

Most of us have already heard about blockchain technology, as well as many things about cryptocurrencies and how they are transforming traditional approaches in the field of finance. But what about its relevance to healthcare and the potential applications it may have in this space? Eberhard Scheuer is the President of the dHealth Foundation, a not-for-profit organization from Switzerland providing the infrastructure and tools to major stakeholders in healthcare to leverage blockchain technology. He takes us through the basic concepts around blockchain and guides us through the benefits and the applications it may have in this field, when it comes for instance to empowering patients in managing their own health and the data that accompanies it, creating transparency across the pharmaceutical supply chain, or even preserving the authenticity of medical test results! A fascinating exchange and good entry point for newcomers in the field of blockchain and web3 applied to healthcare! Timeline: 02:21 - Eberhard’s background and his entry point in web3 concepts applied to healthcare 06:29 - What blockchain is about 11:12 - Applications of blockchain technology to healthcare and its benefits 21:51 - The example of Estonia with blockchain-enabled electronic health records and the efforts of big tech companies in that regard 25:58 - The reason behind the dHealth Foundation and monetizing health data 38:30 - The services provided by the dHealth Foundation to its partners 46:44 - Misleading ideas around blockchain applications in healthcare What we also talked about with Eberhard Bitcoin Ethereum The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Roche Digital twin Alex Cahana If you want to know more about the dHealth Foundation, we invite you to consult their website and follow their activities on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter. As mentioned by Eberhard in the episode, if you want to know more about the field of blockchain and the latest trends in that regard, have a look at Blockchain Revolution, Bloomberg Crypto, CoinDesk and Cointelegraph. You can get in touch with Eberhard through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! You can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, or on Instagram!
October 2, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Eberhard Scheuer on the benefits of tokenizing health data

To discover the whole episode type “#10 - Applying blockchain technology to the healthcare sector - Eberhard Scheuer - dHealth Foundation" on your streaming platform.
October 2, 2022

#9 – Creating the Gran Turismo of surgery – Raimundo Sierra – VirtaMed

Raimundo Sierra is the Founder and CEO from VirtaMed, a Swiss company specialized in surgical simulation systems, covering interventions in orthopaedics, gynecology, laparoscopy and urology, providing true-to-life training for aspiring surgeons and established ones, as part of their continuing education. At the edge of robotics and gaming, Raimundo takes us through the origins of this extremely ambitious project, explaining how the first systems from VirtaMed where developed, and how they currently fit in the diverse surgical curricula provided by established institutions in Europe, China and the US. Beyond the volume of training that such platforms can offer and the positive repercussions in terms of operative results, they also provide equitable access to surgical training, a point that is particularly close to Raimundo's heart given his personal experience. Timeline: 01:36 - Raimundo’s background and what led him to the world of surgical simulation systems 07:33 - The origins of VirtaMed and what differentiates its solutions from medical devices 11:24 - How surgical simulation systems are integrated to medical curricula 16:16 - The components of VirtaMed surgical simulation systems 20:38 - VirtaMed’s global footprint and driving adoption of its products 24:58 - The potential of emerging technologies like machine learning in the field of surgical simulation 27:11 - How VirtaMed works with surgeons 34:47 - VirtaMed’s business model What we also talked about with Raimundo: Stefan Tuchschmid AANA AGA Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin B. Braun Melsungen AG Bruno Schmied Dieter Hahnloser Melanie Aregger Avelo We cited with Raimundo some of the past episodes from the series: #2 - Treating liver cancer with surgical robotics - Lucien Blondel - Quantum Surgical #7 - Redefining motor rehabilitation with digital neurotherapeutics - Naveed Ejaz - Mindmaze If you want to know more about VirtaMed, we invite you to consult their website and follow their activities on LinkedIn. As mentioned by Raimundo in the episode, you can learn more about the field of surgical simulations and the latest trends in that regard through the following sources: Society for Simulation in Healthcare The PROFICIENCY project You can get in touch with Raimundo by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! You can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, or on Instagram!
September 15, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Raimundo Sierra on creating the most realistic surgical simulation system

To discover the whole episode type “#9 - Creating the Gran Turismo of surgery - Raimundo Sierra - VirtaMed" on your streaming platform.
September 15, 2022

#8 – Using organoids to transform drug discovery – Nikolce Gjorevski – Roche

Disclaimer: Nikolce and I both work for Roche, nevertheless all opinions expressed in this episode are our own and do not necessarily represent the position of our employer. Nikolce is leading the Organoid Engineering Group at the Roche Institute for Translational Bioengineering. Organoids are miniaturised versions of the organs and tissues that make up our bodies, sharing phenotypic and genetic aspects of them. They carry a lot of hope in terms of applications in healthcare, from the replacement of animal testing involved in the assessment of drug safety and efficacy, to personalized medicine where they can be leveraged to inform the treatment most suitable to a particular patient, or in terms of potential transplants to address certain diseases. We exchanged with Nikolce on the what, the how and the why behind this fascinating field of bioengineering, which tremendously developed over the past years. He takes us through the current status of the technology and the clinical applications it has already demonstrated, and shares his view on how the field will evolve in the future. Timeline: 03:13 - Mandate and ambition of the Roche Institute for Translational Bioengineering 06:18 - What organoids are and from which tissues they are derived 09:53 - Reprogramming cells’ fates from tissues and deriving induced pluripotent stem cells 11:05 - Growing organoids in vitro and related challenges 13:50 - Applications leveraged at the ITB and the types of tissues at stake 15:55 - Refining the biology and turning the theoretical promises around organoids into practice 20:38 - Towards the use of organoids as human grafts or replacing animal testing 22:37 - Organ-on-a-chip technologies and how they complement organoids 26:17 - Synergies with bioprinting technologies and the challenges that come along with building tissue replicas 28:03 - Looking back at the main advancements since the first organoids came out and their ability to recapitulate features proper to a patient 33:56 - The ethical framework around the use of organoids 37:38 - Moving from Academia to the Industry as a scientist What we also talked about with Nikolce: Matthias Lütolf Hans Clevers Mina Bissell Celeste M. Nelson Nathalie Brandenberg Silke Hoehnel Sun Bioscience Cellink Embryonic stem cells HeLa cells If you want to learn more about the Roche Institute for Translational Bioengineering, we encourage you to consult their website. As mentioned by Nikolce during the episode, the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and Stem Cell Technologies are two information sources worth checking out in case you want to take a deep-dive into what organoids are, and go further into the topics we discussed with him. If you want to reach out to Nikolce, you can contact him over LinkedIn. If you liked the episode, please share it, rate it and leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts! You can find more about the podcast through its dedicated website or follow our activities on LinkedIn and Instagram. If you want to give me feedback on this episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected].
August 30, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Nikolce Gjorevski on transforming personalized medicine with organoids

Disclaimer: Nikolce and I both work for Roche, nevertheless all opinions expressed in this episode are our own and do not necessarily represent the position of our employer. To discover the whole episode type “#8 - Using organoids to transform drug discovery - Nikolce Gjorevski - Roche” on your streaming platform.
August 30, 2022

#7 – Redefining motor rehabilitation with digital neurotherapeutics – Naveed Ejaz – MindMaze

Naveed Ejaz is VP Product Strategy and Clinical Development (formerly Director of Digital Therapies) at MindMaze, the very first unicorn from Switzerland, pioneering the fascinating field of digital neurotherapeutics. Underneath these fluffy terms lies the concept of “software-as-a-medicine”, where pieces of code come together to drive a behavioural intervention, enabling patients suffering from neurological diseases to improve their condition. In the area of neurology where pharmaceutical and medical device solutions have been limited, this field opens up promising perspectives in terms of extended care delivery, stronger engagement from patients towards their treatment plans, and facilitated care coordination. We talked with Naveed about how video games could be leveraged to create an engaging therapy for the benefits of patients suffering from neurological diseases, the challenges that companies involved in the field of digital therapeutics face, MindMaze’s vision to build an integrated platform delivering cutting-edge rehabilitation programs for patients, and why all of that is not purely about technology but rather engaging the patients as much as all healthcare professionals surrounding them. We also get a sneak peek at the activities led within MindMaze Labs, the R&D division of the company partnering with institutions like Formula One to understand better how the brain works under extreme situations! Timeline: 04:43 - Naveed’s background and what drove him towards neuroscience and neurorehabilitation 13:03 - What digital neurotherapeutics are and what “software-as-a-medicine” entails 20:30 - Conceptual acceptability towards digital neurotherapeutics in healthcare 23:38 - The benefits of gamification in neurorehabilitation therapies 29:44 - How the rehabilitation therapies from MindMaze are designed 42:57 - The key characteristics of a therapeutic video game that keeps patients engaged 47:15 - Rehabilitating fine dextrous motion versus gross movement 52:04 - Naveed’s role as VP Product Strategy and Clinical Development (formerly Director of Digital Therapies) 55:03 - Initiatives led by MindMaze Labs R&D center and partnering with Formula One What we also talked about with Naveed: BrainGate John Krakauer Johns Hopkins University MindMaze Labs Formula One If you want to know more about MindMaze, we invite you to consult their website and follow their activities on LinkedIn. As mentioned by Naveed in the episode, if you want to know more about the field of digital neurotherapeutics and the latest trends in that regard, have a look at Rock Health (and subscribe to their newsletter) and MobiHealthNews. You can get in touch with Naveed through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms! You can follow our activities through our website, over LinkedIn, or on Instagram!
August 1, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Naveed Ejaz on the concept of software-as-a-medicine

To discover the whole episode type "#7 - Redefining motor rehabilitation with digital neurotherapeutics - Naveed Ejaz - MindMaze" on your streaming platform.
August 1, 2022

[SPECIAL EDITION] – Saul Marquez – Outcomes Rocket

This is a special episode where we receive Saul Marquez, host of Outcomes Rocket, one of the leading podcast series in the healthcare space, having already interviewed key opinion leaders from the field throughout more than 1000 episodes! The format of the podcast is slightly different from the episodes produced so far as part of Impulse, with shorter conversations and a stronger business focus. The range of topics covered though is unprecedented: with testimonials from people working in the industry (from startups to big corporations), Academia, healthcare providers, or in insurance firms. It’s hard not to say that they’ve probably already covered all the potential topics the field may offer! Outcomes Rocket is available at the following platforms: Apple Podcasts Spotify Google Podcasts Overcast You can find out more about Outcomes Rocket through their website, we also invite you to follow their activities on LinkedIn and subscribe to their newsletter. If you want to reach out to Saul, feel free to contact him through LinkedIn! If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected].  And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms!
July 14, 2022

#6 – Bringing back walking to paraplegics – Jocelyne Bloch – .NeuroRestore

Bringing back mobility to those who lost it. This is the challenge that Jocelyne Bloch, neurosurgeon at the CHUV, together with the neuroscientist Grégoire Courtine from EPFL and their teams at .NeuroRestore and Onward set out to address. A decade after demonstrating that the technology developed by Prof. Courtine’s lab was able to bring back lower limb mobility to paraplegic rats, it has now been applied to humans in a research context through their joint work with phenomenal outcomes: most paraplegic patients implanted with the stimulation system they have developed were able to retrieve significant mobility of their lower limbs, enabling them to stand, walk and even climb stairs! Based on an electrode array coupled to a pulse generator (both fully implantable) remotely controlled, the system delivers selective stimulation of the spinal cord at the locations where the lower limb muscles are activated, in a sequence that replicates the mobility patterns that abled people demonstrate. Images of patients having experienced this technology, moving out of their wheelchair to stand and walk, have been seen throughout the world, and the hope that it brings for those concerned is immense, considering also the other applications that it could open for the rehabilitation of the upper limbs or for blood pressure regulation. In the latest episode from Impulse, we had the chance to sit down with Jocelyne and exchange with her on the infancy of this therapy, where she takes us through its working principle, the challenges that come along with bringing such a technology from the lab to the market, as well as on the life-changing benefits it may hold for patients in the future. With great humility, she also talks about how she manages to combine her clinical practice as a functional neurosurgeon, to leading a research group composed of over 80 collaborators, all of that while raising two children and with a husband at home! Timeline: 05:20 - Jocelyne’s background and what led her to functional neurosurgery 08:18 - Approach taken to enable paraplegic rats to walk again and moving towards human applications 14:55 - The first human implantation 17:20 - Towards autonomous mobility renewal 18:25 - The STIMO study focusing on mobility and upcoming trials 21:03 - Managing expectations of patients 23:20 - Making a viable therapy with a reasonable rehabilitation training phase 26:17 - Leveraging potential synergies with exoskeletons 27:23 - Current technological constraints 28:34 - Origins and purpose of .NeuroRestore, and the close collaboration with Onward 33:03 - Towards upper limbs and hands rehabilitation therapies 34:10 - Retrieving sensory feedback thanks to the current therapy 35:23 - Adding brain-computer interaction layers to the current therapy 37:56 - Staying on top of things when working as a neurosurgeon, leading a clinical research center, and a family life 39:41 - Evolving as a woman in the field of neurosurgery What we also talked about with Jocelyne: Grégoire Courtine Patrick Aebischer Jean-Guy Villemure Bogdan Draganski Baroreflex Neuroprosthetics Neuroplasticity EEG ECoG CHUV UNIL EPFL Medtronic Elon Musk We cited with Jocelyne some of the past episodes from the series: #3 – Augmenting the lives of paraplegics with exoskeletons – Tristan Vouga – Twiice #5 – Transforming diagnostics through spatial biology – Déborah Heintze – Lunaphore If you want to know more about .NeuroRestore, we invite you to consult their website. We also invite you to follow their activities on LinkedIn. If you are interested in learning more about the startup Onward, we invite you to check out their website as well as their LinkedIn page. You can contact Jocelyne by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected].
July 5, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Jocelyne Bloch on decoding brain signals to enable mind-controlled stimulation of the spinal cord

To discover the whole episode type “#6 - Bringing back walking to paraplegics - Jocelyne Bloch - .NeuroRestore” on your streaming platform.
July 5, 2022

#5 – Transforming diagnostics through spatial biology – Déborah Heintze – Lunaphore

Transforming our understanding of how our immune system works and how certain pathologies like cancer unfold: that is the mission to which Lunaphore has committed since 2014. Through a cutting-edge platform capable of accelerating complex staining and imaging procedures, the Swiss startup is pioneering what is now named “spatial biology”, recognized by the journal Nature as Method of the Year 2020. Applicable to many disease areas, the field carries great hopes in bringing to light new insights that will accelerate drug discovery and drive the development of personalized therapies in the long run. Its power resides in the possibility to analyze multiple biomarkers in parallel, while preserving the spatial properties of the tissue studied. Alongside Ata Tuna Ciftlik and Diego Dupouy, Déborah Heintze is one of the three co-founders of Lunaphore. She joined the adventure soon after the completion of her curriculum in biomedical engineering, the same day that an offer was made to her by a large company for a position that would have been synonymous with stability and comfort from the outset. The gamble paid off, as she now leads as Chief Marketing Officer the product and marketing efforts of the startup, which has been recognized many times as one of the most innovative and promising emerging companies in the Swiss ecosystem. She takes us through the origins of the project, explaining how the opportunity to co-found the startup arose, how the technology they developed functions, and how spatial biology will revolutionize the way we understand immunology and the promises it holds in the fight against many diseases. Timeline: 01:50 - Déborah’s background and evolution within Lunaphore since its creation 04:48 - How Lunaphore emerged from a PhD thesis 06:49 - How the opportunity co-found a startup emerged 10:22 - What the technology from Lunaphore is about 12:27 - Paving the way of spatial biology for diagnostic purposes 16:48 - The promise that spatial biology holds in our understanding of pathologies like cancer and how Lunaphore is supporting it 20:04 - The features and functioning of LabSat® and COMET™ 22:50 - Dealing with the analysis of large pathology data volumes 25:24 - Transitioning from research applications to clinical ones 27:50 - Deploying LabSat® and COMET™ in labs while making sure the onboarding remains flawless for users 29:29 - The time and efforts required to build these platforms from scratch up to their market launch 33:37 - Moving towards new applications and disease areas 35:08 - How the technology from Lunaphore is transforming the staining and imaging workflows from labs 38:39 - Evolving as a woman in the medical technology entrepreneurial sphere What we also talked about with Déborah : EPFL Technology Transfer Office Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology CHUV Spatial biology Immunostaining Microfluidics Cytometry Omics DistalMotion Sophia Genetics We cited with Déborah some of the past episodes from “Impulse - Meeting Healthcare Pioneers”: #2 - Treating liver cancer with surgical robotics - Lucien Blondel - Quantum Surgical If you want to know more about Lunaphore, we invite you to consult their website. As mentioned in the episode, we strongly recommend you to check out their blog which aims to democratize spatial biology and all of its aspects in a simple yet informative manner. We also invite you to follow their activities on LinkedIn or through their newsletter (subscription link available through the company website). You can contact Déborah through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected]. And if you liked the episode, don’t hesitate to share it, subscribe to the podcast and leave a positive review on streaming platforms!
May 31, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Déborah Heintze on spatial biology and its potential applications in diagnostics

To discover the whole episode type "#5 - Transforming diagnostics through spatial biology - Déborah Heintze - Lunaphore" on your streaming platform.
May 31, 2022

#4 – Fighting sepsis with nanoengineered beads to filter the blood – Lukas Langenegger – Hemotune

One consequence of the covid-19 crisis we are still going through is sepsis, a lethal misguided reaction of the immune system following an infection, currently responsible for 11 million deaths yearly on a global scale. Together with his team, Lukas Langenegger is addressing this life-threatening condition using a unique technology leveraging magnetic microscopic beads that enable the filtration of blood and the removal of toxic compounds circulating through the body during such a medical episode. The so-called Hemosystem is akin to a dialysis machine where the traditional membrane filter is replaced by a solution containing these beads. Offering a very large surface area, they are used to selectively trap key toxic compounds known to contribute to sepsis: their removal enables in fact to reestablish the immune balance of the patient, leading to drastically improved outcomes. This disruptive technology has been rewarded and praised multiple times in the Swiss medtech sphere and the media. Lukas himself has already been featured in the German issue of Forbes, as a recognition for the pioneering work and contribution that he and his team are bringing in the fight against this terrible condition. We exchanged with Lukas on his professional path, which started in the world of banking before moving towards chemical engineering and the start of a PhD, which he interrupted after a few months to embrace the entrepreneurial route. He guides us with passion through the genesis of Hemotune, the functioning of the system they have created and the surprising development perspectives that such a platform could allow, from the treatment of cancer up to the extension of our longevity! Timeline: (01:05) - Introduction to Lukas’ background and the origins of Hemotune (02:12) - Transitioning from banking to chemical engineering (04:59) - Quitting a PhD to become an entrepreneur (07:34) - Bringing multiple specialties together to found Hemotune (08:58) - Finding support from the Swiss ecosystem to kick start your own firm (09:49) - Hemotune’s technology and its first indication: sepsis (11:17) - Understanding the mechanisms of sepsis and the lack of current recovery treatment (14:20) - Timing of the intervention for patients using the Hemosystem (15:01) - Current standard of care and keeping patients suffering from sepsis alive (16:22) - Reestablishing the immune balance thanks to the Hemosystem (18:10) - Towards magnetic microscopic beads tailored to each patient (19:56) - The Hemosystem workflow and blood filtering cycles (20:57) - Engineering the magnetic microscopic beads (22:30) - Preventing toxicity from the beads towards the blood (26:00) - The development roadmap of the Hemosystem and its foreseen availability (30:18) - Moving towards other indications (e.g. cancer, autoimmune diseases, longevity) (32:02) - Establishing a new treatment modality at the interface of a drug and a medical device (33:15) - Addressing the burden of antimicrobial resistance What we also talked about with Lukas : Carlos Andrea Mora Corinne Hofer Precision Medicine ETHZ MIT Functional Materials Laboratory from Prof. Wendelin Stark HLA-DR Kurz Gesagt Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive Leo Grünstein Spiden If you want to know more about Hemotune, we invite you to consult their website: We also invite you to follow their activities on LinkedIn or through their newsletter (subscription link available through the company website). You can contact Lukas through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected]
May 1, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Lukas Langenegger on blood filtration and its applications for the extension of our longevity

To discover the whole episode type "#4 - Fighting sepsis with nanoengineered beads to filter the blood - Lukas Langenegger - Hemotune" on your streaming platform.
April 28, 2022

#3 – Augmenting the lives of paraplegics with exoskeletons – Tristan Vouga – Twiice

Wearables bringing back the ability to walk for paraplegics: this is the world in which Tristan Vouga is evolving. Passionate by the field of robotics and willing to have an impact on society, he turned his PhD thesis into the Swiss startup Twiice. The company is developing a modular exoskeleton, bringing back the ability for its users to stand, walk, climb stairs and even go on a ski tour! Beyond the technological achievement and the numerous awards it has won in international contests, their platform has the potential to transform the lives of many paraplegics as well as amputees. We talked with Tristan about his transition from PhD student to entrepreneur, about their exoskeleton capabilities, the feelings of “ownership, embodiement and agency” that are key to a seamless human-machine interaction, and about how innovation can be derived from science-fiction! Timeline: (01:44): Tristan’s introduction and background in wearable robotics (03:22): Moving to the US to explore brain-controlled exoskeletons (08:10): Description of the exoskeleton Twiice, how it operates and supports paraplegics (10:52): The importance of embodiment, ownership and agency in human-machine interactions (12:42): Leveraging brain signals to control wearable exoskeletons (14:03): Generating haptic feedback to enhance the feelings of ownership, embodiment and agency (15:57): Developing an exoskeleton for ski touring (18:38): Exploring new use cases for amputees (21:01): Innovative commercial models to distribute the cost of ownership among patients (22:59): A clinical trial to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of Twiice in a community setting (24:29): Seamless human-machine interaction as a key differentiator (26:16): Moving towards an exoskeleton not requiring crutches (30:20): The Cybathlon and competing against other exoskeletons (35:02): Dealing with the frustration of access hurdles for patients (36:11): Coping with the demand from patients while driving R&D efforts (38:17): Transitioning from PhD student to entrepreneur (40:18): Drawing inspiration from science-fiction What we also talked about with Tristan: EPFL ETHZ Duke University ReHassist The Nicolelis Lab Neuralink The triad: embodiment-ownership-agency Boston Dynamics The Cybathlon The Global Innovation Challenge Blade Runner Testmate Health We cited with Tristan some of the past episodes from the podcast: #1 - Measuring your arterial age to prevent heart diseases - Ted Baldwin - Imageens
March 30, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Tristan Vouga on developing an exoskeleton for ski touring

To discover the whole episode type "#3 - Augmenting the lives of paraplegics with exoskeletons - Tristan Vouga - TWIICE" on your streaming platform.
March 28, 2022

#2 – Treating liver cancer with surgical robotics – Lucien Blondel – Quantum Surgical

Lucien Blondel is one of the leading figures in the field of surgical robotics, having already led the development of several platforms supporting orthopaedic, spinal and brain surgeries. Together with Quantum Surgical, which he co-founded alongside Bertin Nahum, Fernand Badano and Sophie Roca, they are addressing liver cancer through a new robotic platform supporting ablation procedures. Under the name of “Epione” (the goddess of care in the Greek mythology), it represents a breakthrough in this field, not only supporting surgeons in the execution of the ablation procedure, but also in the planning phase up to the validation of the surgical act. Through a combination of cutting-edge image processing technology, computer vision and haptics, Epione is on its way to revolutionize interventional oncology and improve access to liver cancer ablation, for patients and for surgeons. We exchanged with Lucien on his background, what brought him to surgical robotics, the specificities of this field, his role in leading the technical development of Epione, and its underlying promise in the cure of liver cancer. Timeline: 02:09 - 04:11: Lucien’s introduction and background in surgical robotics 04:51 - 07:04: How he got into this field and what drove his interest to it 07:43 - 13:25: The uprising of surgical robotics and key developments over the past years 14:16 - 19:36: Identifying the right disease area and type of intervention 20:02 - 22:15: The type of cancer targeted by Epione and the surgical act it complements 22:49 - 24:53: Enabling percutaneous ablation beyond interventional radiologists 25:02 - 26:37: Applications of Epione beyond liver cancer 27:20 - 32:22: Epione’s components and workflow 32:51 - 35:13: Synchronizing the patient’s breathing to the robotic arm positioning 35:43 - 38:06: Synergies between Epione and other platforms previously developed by Lucien and his team 38:22 - 40:56: Moving towards fully autonomous surgical interventions 41:20 - 42:22: The meaning behind “Epione” 43:11 - 45:21: Suggested resources to dig deeper into surgical robotics 45:34 - 47:55: The “Why” What we also talked about with Lucien: ROSA Epione Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery Versius Surgical Robotic System Da Vinci Surgical Systems ExcelsiusGPS Gustave Roussy Institute Mayo Clinic The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery If you want to know more about Quantum Surgical, we invite you to consult their website: You can contact Lucien through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected]
February 28, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Lucien Blondel on surgical robotics and maximizing their potential in a clinical setting

To discover the whole episode type "#2 - Treating liver cancer with surgical robotics - Lucien Blondel - Quantum Surgical" on your streaming platform.
February 26, 2022

#1 – Measuring your arterial age to prevent heart diseases – Ted Baldwin – Imageens

Cardiovascular diseases represent the leading cause of deaths worldwide. Despite the permanent progress in the treatment of such conditions, targeted prevention approaches remain a key solution to address this issue. This is the challenge that Imageens, a Paris-based startup led by Ted Baldwin, is tackling through the application of artificial intelligence to medical imaging, with the aim to quantify your arterial age. This specific biomarker unvails unique opportunities to anticipate heart conditions for people at moderate risk, with the promise to inform better clinical care decisions. We exchanged with Ted on the burden that cardiovascular diseases represent on a global level, the power of AI applied to medical imaging to discover early indicators of these pathologies, and how these insights can drive better personalized prevention programs to stay away from them. Timeline: 01:50 - 05:18: origins of Imageens 06:23 - 08:16: unmet need that Imageens is addressing 08:53 - 12:56: existing cardiac risk scores and the arterial age concept 13:10 - 15:36: technical approach to quantify the arterial age using MRI and AI 15:41 - 20:10: relationship between biological and arterial ages 20:32 - 22:56: MESA trial led by Johns Hopkins University and its link to the discovery of cardiac risk scores 23:26 - 30:09: Imageens softwares Artfun+ and LABEL, their functioning and role in predictive imaging biomarkers discovery 30:21 - 31:05: moving beyond MRI to other imaging modalities 31:35 - 33:21: target patient population and access to Imageens technology 33:43 - 36:09: acceptance by physicians and the medical community 36:48 - 37:30: patient journey description 38:00 - 40:24: moving towards predictive analysis of the optimal cardiac prevention program What we also talked with Ted about: Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) MESA trial Framingham risk score Cardiac CT calcium score Ascending aortic distensibility Ted’s TEDx presentation Ganymed Robotics Zoï Altos Labs Qualitiso If you want to know more about Imageens, we invite you to consult their website: You can contact Ted through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected] If you want to give me feedback on the episode, ask questions or suggest potential guests, feel free to do so through LinkedIn or by email: [email protected]
February 2, 2022

[EXTRACT] – Ted Baldwin on the importance of prognostic cardiac biomarkers and prevention

To discover the whole episode type "#1 - Measuring your arterial age to prevent heart diseases - Ted Baldwin - Imageens" on your streaming platform.
February 1, 2022

[TRAILER] – Impulse – Meeting Healthcare Pioneers

Welcome to Impulse, the podcast where you will meet the people shaping the current medical advancements, through in-depth conversations about their field of expertise, and the journey that took them where they are now. Its aim is to democratize ongoing advances in medical technology, and introduce listeners to some of its key actors.
January 31, 2022

About Impulse – Meeting Healthcare Pioneers

Impulse invites listeners to meet the people shaping the current medical advancements through in-depth conversations about their field of expertise and the journey that took them where they are now. The podcast aims to democratize ongoing advances in medical technology and to introduce listeners to some of its key actors.


Mathieu Chaffard

Mathieu Chaffard

Mathieu is a French biomedical engineer, trained at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.

Passionate about medical technology applied to cardiac indications, he has occupied different technical roles in Europe, including Development Engineer for B. Braun in Berlin and Field Specialist for Abbott in Paris, before moving to project management in the digital health space for Roche Diagnostics in Zürich.

Wishing to share his passion for medical progress on a broad scale and driven by an ongoing desire to learn more about its aspects, he has decided to create his own show where he talks with entrepreneurs, researchers and physicians about their personal journey and the innovative technologies they are developing to transform patients' lives.

Never miss Impulse – Meeting Healthcare Pioneers

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