Preventing Physician Burnout: The Role of Leadership Development

Leading Ladies in Healthcare

Preventing Physician Burnout: The Role of Leadership Development

May 24, 2024

Preventing Physician Burnout: The Role of Leadership Development

In this episode, Dr. Lisa Herbert, a seasoned family physician and leadership coach, addresses the critical issue of burnout among physicians. She shares insights from her 25-year medical career, stressing the need for robust leadership skills to combat burnout. Dr. Herbert explores the factors contributing to burnout and its repercussions on healthcare. She underscores the importance of leadership in enhancing job satisfaction and well-being, advocating for leadership development and self-care strategies to prevent burnout. Her message is clear: physicians must embrace leadership opportunities and personal growth to thrive in their careers and safeguard their health.

Maslach Burnout Inventory Survey

Let’s Connect! If you’re navigating the choppy waters of a career transition or seeking support as you step into a leadership role, I’m here for you. Schedule a career transition call with me here, and let’s chart a course to your dream destination.

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