John Halamka, MD and Paul Cerrato Part 1

This Just In Radio Show

John Halamka, MD and Paul Cerrato Part 1

Host Justin Barnes, aka the @HITAdvisor, brings b…
March 3, 2023

John Halamka, MD and Paul Cerrato Part 1

Host Justin Barnes, aka the @HITAdvisor, brings back Dr. John Halamka the President and Paul Cerrato the Senior Research Analyst and Communications Specialist for Mayo Clinic Platform for the first of a 2-part episode. The platform is harnessing novel technologies to change how care is provided. Their sixth book together, Redefining the Boundaries of Medicine: The High-Tech, High-Touch Path Into the Future can be pre-ordered for its release in April. Hear Justin, John, and Paul discuss the focus of the book.

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