Why storytelling and writing are so important in medicine
“They needed the final story to let go of her body, yet retain her spirit.
Looking back on it, that’s when I saw the greatest honor of all — the everyday honor of storytelling for our patients. Maybe that’s the only cure we have for death … translating what happens from the body into the world. Perhaps that is the last frontier of care: sharing the understanding of how we get to the end — just as much as how we got to the beginning. Maybe, we should reframe the last note we write for our patients — and make it the last story we share instead.”
Giannina L. Garces-Ambrossi Muncey is a critical care physician.
She shares her story and discusses her KevinMD article, “Your greatest role as a doctor? Storyteller.” (https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2018/10/your-greatest-role-as-a-doctor-storyteller.html)