Physician well-being in a corporatized health care system

The Podcast by KevinMD

Physician well-being in a corporatized health care system

Join Wendy Dean, a psychiatrist with expertise in physician well-being and the intersection of medicine and corporate interests. Wendy shares insights into the challenges physicians face when their values clash…
May 15, 2024

Physician well-being in a corporatized health care system

Join Wendy Dean, a psychiatrist with expertise in physician well-being and the intersection of medicine and corporate interests. Wendy shares insights into the challenges physicians face when their values clash with the corporate direction of health care institutions. We explore the erosion of traditional medical ethics, the impact of corporate ownership on patient care, and the phenomenon of “moral injury” among health care professionals. Through personal anecdotes and professional analysis, Wendy offers strategies for preserving the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship in an increasingly corporatized health care landscape.

Wendy Dean is a psychiatrist.

She discusses the KevinMD article, “From compassionate care to corporate medicine: Physicians speak out.”

Our presenting sponsor is Nuance, a Microsoft company.

Do you spend more time on administrative tasks like clinical documentation than you do with patients? You’re not alone. Clinicians report spending up to two hours on administrative tasks for each hour of care provided. Nuance, a Microsoft company, is committed to helping clinicians restore the balance with Dragon Ambient eXperience – or DAX for short. DAX is an AI-powered, voice-enabled solution that helps physicians cut documentation time in half. DAX Copilot combines proven conversational and ambient AI with the most advanced generative AI in a mobile application that integrates directly with your existing workflows. DAX Copilot can be easily enabled within the workflow of the Dragon Medical application to bring the power of ambient technology to more clinicians faster while leveraging the proven and powerful capabilities used by over 550,000 physicians.

Explore DAX Copilot today. Visit to see a 12-minute DAX Copilot demo. Discover clinical documentation that writes itself and reclaim your work-life balance.





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