Leading through burnout: How health care executives can address burnout in the workplace
In this episode, we welcome Nicola F. De Paul, a clinical psychologist and health systems leadership consultant. Together, we dive into the topic of burnout among health care leaders. The COVID-19 pandemic has put immense stress on health care workers, and many are now dealing with the aftermath of the Great Resignation, stripped-down staffing levels, and a culture that treats health care professionals as machines. The result is that not only are frontline employees and senior managers depleted, but executive leaders are also at risk of burnout.
Nicola suggests that health care executives must take the time to ask themselves five courageous questions to disrupt this destructive cycle. These questions include: Am I burned out? Am I overworking? How can I communicate more effectively? How can I empower my employees to find creative solutions? And finally, how can I align my actions with my core values? By taking the time to answer these questions and make changes in the way they approach their work and care for themselves, health care leaders can improve their well-being and the well-being of their employees and patients.
Nicola F. De Paul is a clinical psychologist and a health systems leadership consultant.
She shares her story and discusses her KevinMD article, “5 questions C-suite leaders must be willing to ask to address burnout and create thriving health care organizations.”
The Podcast by KevinMD is brought to you by the Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience.
With so many demands on their time, physicians today report record levels of burnout. Burnout is caused by many factors, one of which is clinical documentation. Studies indicate physicians spend two hours documenting care for every hour spent with patients.
At Nuance, we are committed to helping physicians do what you love – care for patients – and spend less time on clinical documentation. The Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience, or DAX for short, is an AI-powered, ambient clinical intelligence solution that automatically captures patient encounters securely and accurately at the point of care. Physicians who use DAX have reported a 50 percent decrease in documentation time and a 70 percent reduction in feelings of burnout, and 83 percent of patients say their physician is more personable and conversational.
Rediscover the joy of medicine with clinical documentation that writes itself, all within the EHR.
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