016: Maturity of the Authentic Self with Michelle Powell
Being your true and authentic self means that what you say in life aligns with your actions. It is who you truly are, at your deepest core.
However, internal elements of ourselves can be lost piece by piece because of a lot of external factors. They chip away slowly until you can’t recognize yourself anymore.
In this episode, we delve into the importance of having the courage to be your authentic self and what it means to have a loss of self. A lot of times we don’t even know we are being removed from our authentic self and we tend to shy away from our core essence. Understanding that ownership of self is the key element of the maturity of your authentic self.
So ask yourself, who were you before the world told you who you should be?
- Making a list of your priorities each week (3:15)
- Make time for things that make your heart happy (3:35)
- Walking as a form of meditation (5:27)
- Your authentic self (6:32)
- Being homesick for yourself (8:05)
- Loss of self (9:02)
- Who are you underneath everything? (9:44)
- Who were you before the world told you who you should be? (10:40)
- Work mentality (11:04)
- Human beings, not human “doings” (11:20)
- Identifying with your job (12:22)
- Losing yourself in labels (12:49)
- Alter ego personas (13:33)
- Bridging the gap between future you and you now (14:11)
- The danger of a persona (15:06)
- Check-in point with yourself (16:39)
- Intrinsically, you know you’re capable of so much more (22:05)
- Always wanting to evolve as a person (22:39)
- Choose those closest to you wisely (23:40)
- External and internal validation (30:09)
- Don’t shy away from being the full expression of you (30:36)
- Being the best version of yourself (31:32)
- Ownership of self (32:55)
- Everyone has something unique to offer (34:01)
- Lose yourself to find yourself (35:35)
- Vulnerability armour (36:16)
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