109: Celebrating Juneteenth
In this special edition of SEE YOU NOW, we’re celebrating Juneteenth! As a podcast focused on how nurse-led innovation strengthens our healthcare systems and transforms lives, we’re marking Juneteenth with a playlist and sampler episode amplifying the significant healthcare contributions of Black nurses who are at the forefront of healthcare transformation, driving progress, and building healthier communities, families, and experiences through their scholarship, innovation, and leadership. We invite you to listen, learn from, follow, engage with, elevate, and cite the courageous and groundbreaking work of Black nurses who are improving health and care for all.
Celebrating Juneteenth with SEE YOU NOW:
A playlist featuring and elevating nurses who are transforming communities through care:
31: Black Midwives & Mamas Matter
38: Mentoring for a More Equitable Future
39: Real World Data. Real Life Results
44: Way More Than a Health Plan
68: Frontline Forces: Vaccine Celebrity
87: Tackling Black Men’s Health
93: Double Disparities in Cancer
100: The Untold Story of the Black Angels
101: Calling all Game Changers and Trailblazers
Find this episode’s resources at www.seeyounowpodcast.com and to find out more information on the podcast bundles visit ANA’s Innovation Website at: www.nursingworld.org/innovation Have questions for the SEE YOU NOW team? Feedback? Future episode ideas? Contact us at hello@seeyounowpodcast.com.
Episode Resources
What is Juneteenth? An interview with Scholar and Historian Lori Brooks
President Biden Signs Juneteenth Bill Creating a New Federal Holiday
On Juneteenth. An interview with historian and award-winning author Annette Gordon Reed
Juneteenth | National Museum of African American History and Culture