Streamlining Workflows and Improving Access with Stuart Hanson, Chief Executive Officer at Avaneer Health

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Streamlining Workflows and Improving Access with Stuart Hanson, Chief Executive Officer at Avaneer Health

June 29, 2023

Streamlining Workflows and Improving Access with Stuart Hanson, Chief Executive Officer at Avaneer Health

Real-time data is the key ingredient to solving healthcare’s interoperability problem.

In this episode, Stuart Hanson shares Avaneer Health’s inspiration for pursuing healthcare interoperability, driven by the complexities and frustrations of a system lacking data fluidity and interoperability. He explains how, as CEO, he focuses on building a secure infrastructure for real-time data flow, demonstrating the value of low-controversy administrative use cases and encouraging engagement to improve healthcare interoperability.

Tune in to learn how Avaneer Health enables healthcare interoperability with an innovative approach to data flow!

Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources:

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