Revolutionizing Healthcare Safety with Innovative Solutions with Kevin Paroda, the Global Segment Manager at CenTrak
Staff safety in hospitals is crucial, and innovative solutions are now available to ensure it.
In this episode at HIMSS, Kevin Paroda, the Global Segment Manager at CenTrak, highlights the importance of staff duress assistance in hospitals and introduces the Bluetooth Multi-Mode staff badge, designed to discreetly call for help when needed. He explains how this innovation combines Bluetooth technology with additional layers for improved accuracy, catering to various complex use cases such as hand hygiene monitoring and nurse call cancellation. Kevin then delves into the features of the new staff badge, emphasizing its intentional design to prevent accidental triggers and the ability to display battery life. He also encourages hospital leaders to prioritize staff safety by reaching out to CenTrak for solutions tailored to their needs.
Tune in and learn how CenTrak’s cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing staff safety in healthcare!