New Healthcare Cybersecurity Plan Revealed with Erik Decker, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at Intermountain Health

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New Healthcare Cybersecurity Plan Revealed with Erik Decker, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at Intermountain Health

March 29, 2024

New Healthcare Cybersecurity Plan Revealed with Erik Decker, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at Intermountain Health

Cybersecurity in healthcare is evolving, requiring a new level of resilience.

In this episode, Erik Decker, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at Intermountain Health, shares insights from the Cybersecurity Forum and discusses the recently launched strategic plan for healthcare cybersecurity. Developed over 20 months with industry experts, the plan aims to address critical industry challenges by 2029, identifying key healthcare trends, including emerging technologies and financial distress, and outlining ten high-level goals and twelve objectives. Erik emphasizes the need for collaboration between organizations, industry groups like the Health Sector Coordinating Council, and government agencies to achieve cybersecurity resilience. With the healthcare ecosystem’s interconnected nature, he also stresses the importance of collective action in securing critical infrastructure. 

Tune in to learn more about the strategic plan and how you can contribute to healthcare cybersecurity!


  • Watch the entire interview here.
  • Connect with and follow Erik on LinkedIn here.
  • Learn more about Intermountain Health on LinkedIn and their website.
  • Learn more about and support the Health Industry Cybersecurity- Strategic Plan here.

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