Empowering Employers as Changemakers: Transforming Healthcare Through Direct Partnerships with Nick Stefanizzi, CEO of Northwell Direct

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Empowering Employers as Changemakers: Transforming Healthcare Through Direct Partnerships with Nick Stefanizzi, CEO of Northwell Direct

July 18, 2024

Empowering Employers as Changemakers: Transforming Healthcare Through Direct Partnerships with Nick Stefanizzi, CEO of Northwell Direct

How can integrated delivery systems leverage emerging technologies like data analytics, AI, and machine learning without losing the human touch in patient-provider relationships?

In this groundbreaking episode, Nick Stefanizzi explores how employers can drive healthcare system change, emphasizing data analytics, AI, and maintaining human touch in patient care. He highlights employers’ pivotal role in healthcare transformation through data-driven strategies and innovative partnerships with providers, reshaping health plans to enhance care access, quality, and affordability.

Join us as we uncover the untapped potential of employer-led initiatives and their ability to reshape the future of healthcare delivery!



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