Cultivating a Culture of Preventative Oral Health Care with Danny Grannick, CEO and Co-Founder of Bristle Health

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Cultivating a Culture of Preventative Oral Health Care with Danny Grannick, CEO and Co-Founder of Bristle Health

November 2, 2023

Cultivating a Culture of Preventative Oral Health Care with Danny Grannick, CEO and Co-Founder of Bristle Health

Preventative care approaches can break new barriers in oral health, starting with diagnostics.

In this episode of Think Oral Health, hosts Jonathan and Mariya talk with Danny Grannick about the shift that needs to happen in oral health towards a preventative model, sharing examples of how salivary diagnostics can avoid disease and reduce costs long term. Danny also points out the economic, physical, and mental barriers that are still in the way of adopting this type of model that makes everyone win.

Tune in and learn more about how approaching oral health with a preventative model might be the lowest-hanging fruit fix for the healthcare industry!

Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources:

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