Healthbox Presents: Breaking Myths and Setting your Organization’s Digital Strategy


Healthbox Presents: Breaking Myths and Setting your Organization’s Digital Strategy

March 30, 2022

Healthbox Presents: Breaking Myths and Setting your Organization’s Digital Strategy

The world has gone digital. How are you adapting? In this episode, we are sitting down with Julie Campbell, VP of Healthbox to talk about digital strategy. Healthbox, a HIMSS solution, supports and advises orgs that are developing, adopting, and investing in the digital solutions that will transform healthcare. How do our preconceptions about seniors, Medicaid, cybersecurity, EMR/EHRs, and digital strategy influence our progress towards the ideal digital health ecosystem? Join us as we walk through the myths holding back digital transformation and how we can use the Digital Health Indicator (DHI) to build a plan to overcome them in the post-COVID world.

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