10 Lessons from 100 Episodes

Archive-High Performance Nursing

10 Lessons from 100 Episodes

April 3, 2023

10 Lessons from 100 Episodes

10 lessons from 100 episodes

The High Performance Nursing Podcast has reached its 100th episode, and I am excited to share the lessons we learned from our guests in the journey from zero to 100. 

I also highlighted the importance of acknowledging successes and achievements, as well as celebrating them, no matter how small they are. 

In honour of this occasion, I shared my top 10 lessons learned from the incredible guests I interviewed on this podcast.

I promise to continue providing valuable content and wisdom for listeners to apply in their lives and careers.

Key takeaways:

13:01 – Self-mastery and self-care are not optional.

16:53 – Befriend yourself 

22:52 – You are not your career.

26:14 – You create what you think.

32:54 – Life is 50-50.

37:40 – People, project what they don’t process.

44:13 – High performance, like you and I, we’re multi-passionate.

48:55 – Your brain is your best ROI

52:49 – Failure leads to more success.

55:53 – Unlearning

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