A Shot in the Arm Podcast with Ben Plumley: What’s the Future of the AIDS Response Without Affected Communities?
Recently-appointed new Executive Director of Frontline AIDS, Robin Gorna, and Cindy Kelemi, Executive Director of Bonela (Botswana Network on Ethics, Law & HIV/AIDS) meet up with Ben in New York to discuss the future of the global AIDS response, and the pressure on community based organizations to do more on the frontlines – with less resources.
#HIV #AIDS #communitybasedorganizations #CBOs #endingAIDS #humanrights #accesstohealthcare
-| The Health Equity Podcast Channel is made possible with support from Bayer G4A. Learn more about how Bayer G4A is advancing equity, access and sustainability at G4a.health
-| This episode originally aired on October 2, 2023 on A Shot in the Arm Podcast with Ben Plumley. Listen, follow and subscribe here.