404: Fixing Frayed Connection with Dr. Jeep and Vanessa Naum

Doctor Me First Podcast

404: Fixing Frayed Connection with Dr. Jeep and Vanessa Naum

If there is anything we know as physicians, it is that relationships are hard. Our practices and patients demand so much of our mental space and processing abilities that we…
February 20, 2023

404: Fixing Frayed Connection with Dr. Jeep and Vanessa Naum

If there is anything we know as physicians, it is that relationships are hard. Our practices and patients demand so much of our mental space and processing abilities that we often struggle to find the time and the energy to connect and communicate with our partners in the way they need us to.

The connection we share with our partners is one of the most critical components of our ability to stay grounded and present in our relationship. Maintaining this connection takes constant work and effort and the ability to adapt how you communicate with each other as you grow and change throughout life.

I got to chat with repeat guests Dr. Jeep and Vanessa Naum about some of the ways we can stay connected and adapt our communication styles to accommodate how our partners think and process feelings and information. Ultimately it all boils down to empathy and understanding and accepting your partner for who they are, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can continue to grow both independently and together.

You won’t want to miss this episode, even if you’re not a physician or married to one. There are so many amazing nuggets of awesome relationship wisdom that apply to all couples from all walks of life. I have yet to see a relationship that wouldn’t benefit from a deeper connection, and I know this advice can help you just like it has helped so many other couples.

Join us today as we decode the complexity of relationships and lay out some actionable advice on how you can work on connecting with your partner and fostering a healthier and happier relationship.

“We are growing every day, and the marriage has to grow as well.” Dr. Naum

In this episode:

[00:26] Welcome back to the show, Dr. Jeep and Vanessa Naum!

[03:04] Dr. Jeep and Vanessa’s background and how they help physician relationships.

[04:53] How to stay connected with your partner through difficult times and changing times.

[08:54] What to do when you feel that your connection with your partner is becoming frayed.

[10:43] Finding new ways to connect with your partner as you go through life together.

[13:39] Using The Love Huddle when you need to be heard by your partner.

[16:57] The key to developing empathy with your partner is having your feelings understood by them.

[22:03] Accepting how our partners have changed as we’ve aged and meeting them where they are.

[26:12] Parting words of advice from Dr. Jeep and Vanessa.

[27:29] Connect with Dr. Jeep and Vanessa on their website!

Links and Resources

What’s Forever For?: A Physician’s Guide For Everlasting Love and Success in Marriage by Dr. George Jeep Naum

Connect with Dr. Jeep and Vanessa Naum:

Best Friends Again 

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  1. Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon
  2. Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.

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