31: Deserving with Dr. Linda Hodges
Links and Resources
Epi 31 Deserving with Dr. Linda Hodges
IG/Twitter: @drhealthyweight
Iowa Ketamine Services, PLC https://ketamineiowa.com/
Exceptional Health & Weight Loss Solutions www.exceptionalweightloss.com
Her ebook “Weight Loss That Works” https://www.amazon.com/Weight-Loss-that-Works-Confidence-ebook/dp/B07MVXGL2Q
FB: https://www.facebook.com/drhealthyweight/
The model I mentioned during the podcast:
- Circumstances are FACTS and everyone must agree on them being facts. (e.g. I lost my job, I weigh X, I write this blog.)
- Thoughts are subjective and are what we create about our circumstances (e.g. I am hopeless, I am overweight.)
- Feelings are vibrations (yes, just vibrations) in our body that result from our thoughts (e.g. depression or guilt.)
- Actions are how we respond to our feelings (e.g. I’m going to stay inside all day, I’m going to give up and eat a tub of ice cream.)
- Results, therefore, come from the preceding actions (e.g. I remain unemployed, I gain more weight.)
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