193: Non-Clinical Careers with Dr. Sylvie Stacy

Doctor Me First Podcast

193: Non-Clinical Careers with Dr. Sylvie Stacy

There you are living your life-long dream of becoming a doctor when you look up one day and realize that this was not what you thought it would be. Maybe…
July 13, 2020

193: Non-Clinical Careers with Dr. Sylvie Stacy

There you are living your life-long dream of becoming a doctor when you look up one day and realize that this was not what you thought it would be. Maybe you love the science. Maybe you love the work. Maybe you love everything except actually practicing medicine.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a medical career that has nothing to do with practicing medicine. Many medical students realize quickly that while they love medicine, they hate patient interaction and the rounds of true clinical care.

Newsflash, people with medical degrees are a necessity in many organizations and not all of them are practicing in offices or hospitals. Dr. Sylvie Stacy struggled through her first years of residency because she realized that while she loved medicine, she knew regular clinical practice wasn’t for her.

She developed a quiz to help other practitioners determine if perhaps other avenues would be appropriate for their skills and through her research realized that there were no solid resources outlining other career paths. So she wrote her own. Listen in to learn more about her story and how you too can find joy in your work again.


“Hey, I’m wired a little differently, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong or broken.” Errin Weisman


In this episode:

[01:35] Welcome to the show, Dr. Stacy!

[02:05] Dr. Stacy shares her medical background and the work she has done.

[04:03] Listen as Dr. Stacy speaks about what led her to step out and start doing non-clinical work.

[07:45] Do you know what your superpowers are?

[08:37] Dr. Stacy discusses what motivated her to write the book.

[10:09] Dr. Stacy believes that physicians stay as clinicians throughout their entire careers because they think that is expected of them.

[11:53] Errin shares her husband’s struggle when he wanted to step away from education.

[14:10] Dr. Stacy says there is a lot of peer pressure in a clinical setting and it can get negative if you talk about leaving clinical medicine.

[16:38] Dr. Stacy shares about her book, what it’s about, and where you can get it.

[19:13] Thank you so much for coming on the podcast, Dr. Stacy.

[20:03] Errin gives us her kick of encouragement. Connect with Dr. Sylvie: 

Meet Sylvie

50 Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians  – Look for Zebras

50 Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians – Amazon

Non-Clinical careers quiz

For bulk book orders


Connect with Dr. Errin: 

Schedule a call with Errin HERE

Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

Email Errin HERE



  1. Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon
  2. Burnout to Badass course launches in August
  3. Become an official patron of Doctor Me First HERE on Patreon and find support & community!



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