189: Perseverance with Dr. Hokehe Effiong
Hokehe Effiong, MD, FAAP is a board-certified Pediatrician, wife and mother of three Lovelies. She is passionate about the care of foster kids and is the founder of Kits of Hope, 501 (c) 3 Organization, a project of the Effiong Foundation that shares love and hope by providing children going into foster care with bags filled with comfort items, and also facilitates a foster/adoptive parent support group. Also as the CEO of Simply Flourish LLC, she serves moms who work in healthcare by taking them on a transformative journey to healing from the inside out, so they can flourish in their mind, body and spirit.
Find out more about her and Kits of Hope (https://www.facebook.com/Kitsofhope/) -or- HokeheEffiongMD (https://www.facebook.com/askDrEffiong)