E67:  Reflections from an Innovation Gladiator – Dr. Jean Wright

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E67: Reflections from an Innovation Gladiator – Dr. Jean Wright

April 22, 2020

E67: Reflections from an Innovation Gladiator – Dr. Jean Wright

It's another closet studio edition! For episode 67 we have the privilege of listening to the brilliant mind and disarming wit of our Innovation Gladiator, Dr. Jean Wright, as she reflects on her impending retirement and the things she's learned as the Chief Innovation Officer at Atrium Health, such as: 

  • Innovation is actually code for change management
  • How she got her "Gladiator" nickname
  • Advice to aspiring innovators
  • How to get back up after getting "thrown off the porch"
  • The enduring impact of COVID-19 on the field of innovation

Throughout the episode you'll hear some surprise tributes sprinkled into the conversation as we bid a fond farewell to our leader. Thank you, Jean, for your years of wise leadership, creativity, and generosity. 

@drjeanwright @thebenreport @SherpaPod @atriumhealth

– A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet – 

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