E62:  Seth Ervin – Libraries as Platforms of Community Change

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E62: Seth Ervin – Libraries as Platforms of Community Change

February 12, 2020

E62: Seth Ervin – Libraries as Platforms of Community Change

Can you name an institution more welcoming and inclusive than a library? Probably not. 

In this episode, we learn from Seth Ervin, Chief Innovation Officer at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, about how he applies innovation principles to design the library experience of the future. Libraries are a critical social infrastructure (a phrase elucidated by Professor Eric Klinenberg in his exceptional book Palaces for the People) and Seth and his team believe the library can act as a platform of community change. How? – Exceptional service design and rapid prototyping of ideas like mobile libraries, makerspaces, coding labs, community media, and more that will impact data literacy, economic mobility, and social determinants of health. 

Seth is also an author! Check out his books here: @KeysofCandor

@SethErvin @CMLibrary
@SherpaPod @TheBenReport

CNN – Americans went to the library more often than they went to the movies, poll finds. 

How did we meet Seth? Thanks to @wearewily for hosting the Design Sprint training with @jakek

Another innovative Library system: Calgary Central Library

– A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet – 

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