E55:  Everyone is Creative and Everyone is Welcome

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E55: Everyone is Creative and Everyone is Welcome

October 30, 2019

E55: Everyone is Creative and Everyone is Welcome

“Everyone is creative. Everyone is welcome.” Long-time friends and Charlotteans Matt Olin and Tim Miner are the co-founders of Charlotte is Creative, a not for profit organization that develops programs and initiatives designed to break the Charlotte mold and re-make it with creativity—into a city that draws people in, excites them, and inspires them to invest their financial, social, and creative capital. Learn about some of the unique ways Matt and Tim foster a culture of creativity in Charlotte, such as hosting CreativeMornings/Charlotte, H.U.G. Micro-grants, the Queen City Quiz Show, and their multimedia site The Biscuit. Listen to this episode and “don’t wait, create!” 


@cltiscreative @cm_clt @mattolincreates @afewminertweaks 

@SherpaPod @TheBenReport

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