E50:  The Design Value of Health with Steve Downs

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E50: The Design Value of Health with Steve Downs

August 21, 2019

E50: The Design Value of Health with Steve Downs

What would it look like if Netflix was helping you stay healthy? Learn about how we can make health an inherent design feature in our everyday lives from Steve Downs, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In this, our 50th podcast episode, Steve paints a picture of a world intentionally designed to make it easier for individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors. How do we get there? Listen and find out! We discuss behavior change theories, promoting a culture of health, persuading tech companies that health is a value expressed horizontally across product lines, and the three phases of Steve’s lunchtime routine. 


@stephenjdowns @RWJF
@SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @TheBenReport


– A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet – 

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