E22: Design Thinking: Tales from the Wild

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E22: Design Thinking: Tales from the Wild

June 22, 2018

E22: Design Thinking: Tales from the Wild

We again welcome Innovation Provocateur David Phillips of Faster Glass to join our own Sherpa Elizabeth Watson to hear their insights on learning, teaching and practicing Design Thinking. Of course, you’ll hear about empathy, empathy, empathy – but how about design thinking as a risk mitigation approach? How did David & Elizabeth come to drink the Kool-Aid? Where have they succeeded – and failed? The first of many conversations we will have on human-centered design – enjoy!

@FasterGlass @ElizCLT @TheBenReport #ForwardFaster  

– A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet –  

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