E17:  Startups, Plug and Play, and Swiss Army Knives

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E17: Startups, Plug and Play, and Swiss Army Knives

April 26, 2018

E17: Startups, Plug and Play, and Swiss Army Knives

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas are proud to host Dr. Matt Hanley, Chief Medical Officer – Metro Group at Atrium Health, Lindsay Deneault, and Michael Johnson (Commercialization and Technology Sherpas at the Innovation Engine). This is a fun team discussing the interplay between startups and large healthcare organizations – how they can best work together to solve complex problems. In addition, the team will provide insights and highlights from recent events hosted by Plug and Play, the world’s largest startup accelerator. You’ll also hear about camping trips, mountain lions, and vintage Corvettes.

@SherpaPod #InnovationEngine @TheBenReport @LindsayDeneault @ghiafixer
C’mon Matt, get on Twitter!

This is seriously cool, have your team compare:
How Tech Owns Your Day

– A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet

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