E14:  Proactive Health Part 2 – Creating a New Frontier

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

E14: Proactive Health Part 2 – Creating a New Frontier

March 2, 2018

E14: Proactive Health Part 2 – Creating a New Frontier

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas welcome back Dr. Greg Weidner in a "How We Built This" episode on Proactive Health – primary care, reimagined. He and Ann Somers Hogg discuss how the partnership of Proactive Health and the Innovation Engine emptied the innovation toolbox, moving from theory to application in the development of a new value-based primary care model at Atrium Health.

In an extraordinary turn of events, Ann Somers actually kinda sorta pulls off a sports analogy!
Then Ben sings Pink Floyd. And they all talk about pirate ships. You just don't get that from your typical health care innovation podcast.

With gratitude to Dr. Clay Christensen for his incredible visionary thinking, and to Bob Moesta (@bmoesta) for being our Jobs to be Done sensei, teaching us a new and better way of talking to our customers.

The advice: Go big or go home, disruptive innovations require autonomy.

For those of you who use "the Twitter": @DrWeidner @annsomerswh #InnovationEngine

Some of the inspiration for Proactive Health:
The Experience Economy – B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore
The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg
Blue Zones – Dan Buettner
The Patient Will See You Now/The Creative Destruction of Medicine – Eric Topol
Dual Transformation – Scott Anthony

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