Thinking about physician leadership? 5 Ways to Prepare Yourself For the C-Suite

Leading Ladies in Healthcare

Thinking about physician leadership? 5 Ways to Prepare Yourself For the C-Suite

Are you often asked to lead? Maybe you’re charged with leading a small department or committee. Maybe you’re offered a formal role and title and not sure if you’re ready.…
January 8, 2021

Thinking about physician leadership? 5 Ways to Prepare Yourself For the C-Suite

Are you often asked to lead? Maybe you’re charged with leading a small department or committee. Maybe you’re offered a formal role and title and not sure if you’re ready. This can happen at any time and you want to be prepared. 

Our healthcare system is becoming more complex and undergoing change very rapidly. Unfortunately, but a lot of what we’re seeing in terms of administrators and people, the people making decisions are not those who are doing the work every day, who are on or have been on the frontlines or who have experience of what it means to really care for an individual and to care for families and to care for communities.

This is the reason why I’m so passionate about increasing the number of physician leaders to change the status quo in healthcare. 

So, if you’re thinking about leadership, in this episode you will discover the five ways that you can prepare yourself for leadership. 

If you’re ready to transition into a leadership role and need support during your career journey join our private Facebook group Building Women Physician Leaders where you will receive insight and wisdom from an experienced leadership coach and an awesome group of like-minded women. You can go to and join us today!

Don’t forget about our upcoming Rise Up & Lead Conference taking place on February 3rd National Women Physicians Day with a VIP day on February 2nd. The early bird ticket is available now at


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