Dr. Raymond Perrin – Treating Chronic Fatigue
Host Jeremy Quinby has a conversation with Dr. Raymond Perrin, an osteopath from Manchester England who has spent the better part of his career since the late 1980’s trying to understand ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and has written about it extensively. He has detailed this in his recent book, The Perrin Technique where he explains how to use various manual therapy approaches to address the systems being challenged in those with this condition.
Together they discuss how they see this condition affecting people, courses of treatment and how long Covid resembles CFS and what we might be learning from it.
Tad Wanveer H2H episodehttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/highway-to-health-podcast/id1314095860?i=1000517501135
Tad Wanveer book on glia, Brain Stars: https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Textbooks/Brain-Stars-Glia-Illuminating-CranioSacral-Therapy