72: How Do You Know When it’s Time to Intubate?

Rapid Response RN

72: How Do You Know When it’s Time to Intubate?

September 29, 2023

72: How Do You Know When it’s Time to Intubate?

Patients get intubated in every department of the hospital… not just the ICU.  So it’s important that every nurse know the signs and symptoms of when it’s time to intubate.

Our host Sarah Lorenzini, has been asked the same type of questions about intubation multiple times this week, so we felt it was necessary to address them. Sarah’s extensive knowledge and experience in critical care and rapid response situations has prepared her to be able to provide expertise and insights on this topic, which she wants to share with all of you today!

In this episode, Sarah addresses some common questions related to intubation: how to know when it’s time to intubate a patient and what it means when a patient is not protecting their airway.

She shares a story from her own experience to illustrate the importance of recognizing the signs that indicate the need for intubation and walks through some of the obvious, and not so obvious signs that it’s time to intubate.

This episode is packed with experiential knowledge that you don’t want to miss. So tune in for this and more!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Signs to look for to determine when to intubate
  • How to recognize when a patient is not protecting their airway
  • What to do when patients are working too hard or not hard enough to improve their oxygen saturation
  • Recognizing patients who cannot oxygenate or ventilate on their own
  • Looking beyond the vital signs and focusing on the clinical presentation to determine if a definitive airway is needed

This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique

Mentioned in this episode:

Rapid Response and Rescue Intro Course

If you would like to check out Sarah’s 1hr, 1 CE course, go to:

To get the FREE Rapid Response RN Assessment Guide and the coupon code for $10 off the cost of the course, message Sarah on Instagram @TheRapidResponseRN and type the word PODCAST!

If you are planning to sit for your CCRN and would like to take the Critical Care Academy CCRN prep course you can visit and use coupon code RAPID10 to get 10% off the cost of the course!

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