Everything physicians need to know about Bitcoin
“It is still extremely early in the Bitcoin story. This is due to the same network effect that Facebook, Amazon, and Apple have had as adoption of new technologies rapidly expand and are adopted by society. Bitcoin has passed its ‘tipping point.’ Converting some of your money to Bitcoin now is like taking an ownership stake in the Internet itself back in 1995. Ultimately, Bitcoin will either have a massive price appreciation or go to zero – meaning it is a hugely asymmetric investment. A mere 1% allocation could potentially 2x the value of your portfolio; a 10% investment could 11x the value of your portfolio. Losing 1% of your portfolio is an extremely small risk given the upside to bitcoin. Finding the right allocation is up to you, but having 0% allocated to Bitcoin is a massive risk since risk in bitcoin is asymmetric to the upside.”
Noah Kaufman is an emergency physician and financial planner. He is founder and CEO, Kaufman Medical Group, and can be reached on Twitter @noahkaufmanmd. He is also founder of the Facebook group, Physician Options Traders.
He shares his story and discusses his KevinMD article, “How physicians should invest in Bitcoin.” (https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2020/11/how-physicians-should-invest-in-bitcoin.html)