10 Reasons SYNGAP-land is hopeful & exciting today #S10e92
- Last week RegEl announced that their CNS Pipeline: Dravet, SCN2A & SYNGAP1
- Yesterday, Penn announced a $25m grant to the ENDD Program which is a dream team.
- Announcement: https://twitter.com/curesyngap1/status/1623000399300153344?s=46&t=GQBKtxA44lny0qsvNyEkAw
- Prosser Webinar: https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/webinars/targeting-alternative-splicing-of-syngap1-using-antisense-oligonucleotides
- Heller Webinar: https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/webinars/dr-elizabeth-heller-phd-upenn-understanding-syngap1
- Ingo updated his famous gene timeline chart and included SYNGAP1 – we are on the map https://twitter.com/ingohelbig/status/1615693871769321472?s=46&t=XfQ6xkKY7cQaFZnRTbaSNw
- Praxis had an earnings call, and it looks like they will have a big year and enough cash to get to next year. https://investors.praxismedicines.com/news-releases/news-release-details/praxis-precision-medicines-provides-corporate-update-and-7
- We have a new podcast! Yes, SRF was one of the first to create its own podcast and now we have two. https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/syngap-stories
- Grants are due on March 1 and we already have a few! https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/post/134-apply-for-syngap1-research-grants-by-march-1st-or-september-1st
- Rare Disease Day is end of month https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/post/133-what-is-rare-disease-day-why-is-it-the-last-day-in-february-syngap1
- Three ways to raise money!
- We have a match for all donations this month up to $20k, donate! https://secure.givelively.org/donate/syngap-research-fund-incorporated/srf-rare-disease-day-2023
- Sprint for Syngap: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/syngap-research-fund-incorporated/sprint4syngap-2023
- MDBR: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/syngap-research-fund-incorporated/srf-million-dollar-bike-ride-mdbr-2023-for-syngap1
- We have a clinical trials page. Check it out. https://www.syngapresearchfund.org/families/resources/clinical-trials
- Many other signs of progress
- RSRT Gene Therapy Announcement. https://twitter.com/cnsdrughunter/status/1617522729900707840?s=46&t=XW7hz9hgm6v3IAOPAmS_Kg
- Rare Revolution Magazine on Siblings. https://rarerevolutionmagazine.com/rare-reports/
- Poison Exon Dance from the Carvill Lab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV3Ne0nmmNU
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Apple podcasts:
Episode 92 of #Syngap10 – February 8, 2023
#epilepsy #autism #intellectualdisability #id #anxiety #raredisease #epilepsyawareness #autismawareness #rarediseaseresearch #SynGAPResearchFund #CareAboutRare #PatientAdvocacy #GCchat #Neurology #GeneChat