#16 Partisanship and Public Health in the New Administration

AAOS Advocacy Podcast

#16 Partisanship and Public Health in the New Administration

Erin Durkin, Health Care Correspondent at the National Journal
February 23, 2021

#16 Partisanship and Public Health in the New Administration

At only two months into the new administration, partisan politics remain center stage in the healthcare policy debate. President Biden’s healthcare nominees are stuck in limbo, key congressional committees are slow to take shape, and Republicans and Democrats remain sharply divided over Coronavirus relief efforts. National Journal Health Care Correspondent Erin Durkin explains how these competing priorities around pandemic response, insurance coverage, telehealth, disparities and value-based care may impact what the 117th Congress can realistically accomplish. (Recorded on 2/11/21)

Host: Kristen Coultas, AAOS Advocacy Communications Director

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